Friday, July 4, 2014

Fury at Rolf Harris’s ‘unduly lenient’ jail term: Attorney General to review sentence of five years and nine months - as paedophile’s daughter puts on brave face after watching her father sent down

  • Harris, 84, showed no emotion when he sentenced for 12 sexual assaults
  • Judge said he 'took advantage of trust' - and he could be out in 3 years
  • Case has been referred to Attorney General for review as 'unduly lenient'
  • Said he got a 'thrill' from abusing children, declared him a sexual offender
  • Moments before he was sentenced he was smiling and chatting to guards
  • Earlier he was laughing and joking as he took a boat from Berkshire home
  • Daughter Bindi battled away tears as her father was led down to the cells 
  • Emerged police found stash of child abuse images on computer in 2012 
  • Harris compiled images of 'extremely young' semi-naked children under 13 
  • But charges for indecent images dropped after indecent assault conviction 
  • One victim today said Harris made her feel 'dirty, grubby and disgusting'
  • His wife Alwen did not join him for sentencing at Southwark Crown Court 
  • Dozens have come forward with further sex abuse claims this week      
Rolf Harris was jailed for five years and nine months today - but the sentence will be reviewed amid claims it is 'unduly lenient'.
The 84-year-old showed no emotion as he faced the prospect of dying behind bars after he was told he will serve a minimum of three years.
Just hours earlier, the disgraced entertainer had been pictured laughing and joking as he took a boat ride from his home in Bray, Berkshire to court.
Even moments before he was sentenced, Harris appeared relaxed, smiling and chatting to the security guards sitting beside him in the dock.
Sentencing: Rolf Harris showed no emotion when the judge sentenced him to five years and nine months in jail
Sentencing: Rolf Harris showed no emotion when the judge sentenced him to five years and nine months in jail
Joking: The 84-year-old laughed and joked with reporters as he left Southwark Crown Court this afternoon
Joking: The 84-year-old laughed and joked with reporters as he left Southwark Crown Court this afternoon
Berated: The judge blasted the painter and singer for showing 'no remorse' for his string of sexual assaults
Berated: The judge blasted the painter and singer for showing 'no remorse' for his string of sexual assaults
Distraught: Bindi Harris, his daughter, left Southwark Crown Court grim-faced as her father went to jail
Distraught: Bindi Harris, his daughter, left Southwark Crown Court grim-faced as her father went to jail

But on learning his fate, Harris’s smile faded as he was led to the cells today, while his daughter Bindi, 50, battled tears.
Mr Justice Sweeney said: ‘You have showed no remorse for your crimes at all.
‘Your reputation now lies in ruins. You have been stripped of your honours but you have no one to blame but yourself.’
The judge said he ‘got a thrill’ from abusing children and clearly ‘fancied’ his daughter’s best friend when she was 13 and he was 48. 
He said despite his regard for his TV programmes and charitable works, he was a committed ‘sexual offender’, telling him: ‘You took advantage of the trust placed in you because of your celebrity status to commit the offences.’
Arrived: Rolf Harris has arrived at Southwark Crown Court without his wife Alwen where he will be sentenced
Arrived: Rolf Harris has arrived at Southwark Crown Court without his wife Alwen where he will be sentenced
Solemn-faced: The disgraced entertainer forced his way through crowds into packed court house
Solemn-faced: The disgraced entertainer forced his way through crowds into packed court house
Porn charges dropped: Harris last night heard he will not stand trial for possessing a stash of child porn
Porn charges dropped: Harris last night heard he will not stand trial for possessing a stash of child porn


Count 1: Assaulting autograph-hunter, aged seven or eight, in the 1960s - Nine months
Count 2: Assaulting a teenage waitress in the 1970s - Six months
Count 3: Assaulting a childhood friend of Harris's daughter between the ages of 13 and 19 - 15 months
Count 4: Same victim as count 3 - 15 months
Count 5: Same victim as count 3 - 15 months
Count 6: Same victim as count 3 - 12 months
Count 7: Same victim as count 3 - 15 months
Count 8: Same victim as count 3 - 12 months
Count 9: Same victim as count 3 - 12 months
Count 10: Assaulting Australian woman Tonya Lee, who was 15, in 1986 - Nine months
Count 11: Same victim as count 10 - Nine months
Count 12: Same victim as count 10 - 12 months
Harris's jail term has already been referred to the Attorney General for being 'unduly lenient' after concerns were raised by a small number of members of the public.
A statement from Dominic Grieve's office said: 'I can confirm that the sentence handed to Rolf Harris today has been referred to the Attorney General’s Office under the unduly lenient sentence scheme.
'It only takes one person to trigger the process, and there is a strict 28 day time period, which means the Law Officers have until Friday 1 August to consider whether they wish to refer the sentence to the Court of Appeal.'
Junior prosecutor Esther Schutzer-Weissman told Southwark Crown Court his victims had had their childhood stolen by the sexual predator who was convicted earlier this week of 12 counts of indecent assault.
Bindi’s friend said she remained traumatised by his abuse which started at the age of 13 and was to last 16 years.
She said: ‘The attacks that happened have made me feel dirty, grubby and disgusting.  
‘The whole sordid saga has traumatised me.’
Now 49, the victim said she became an alcoholic as a teenager and the abuse robbed her of her dreams of a career and a family. 
‘As a young girl I had aspirations to have a career, settle down and have a family,’ she said.
‘However, as a direct result of his actions, this has never materialised.
‘The knowledge of what he had done to me haunted me. However, his popularity with the British public made it harder for me to deal with.
‘Rolf Harris had a hold over me that made me a quivering wreck.
‘He made me feel like a sexual object, he used and abused me to such a degree that it made me feel worthless.
‘He made me feel like a sexual object, he used and abused me to such a degree that it made me feel worthless.
Awaiting sentence: Rolf Harris, 84, boarded a boat on the River Thames behind his house in Bray, Berkshire, shortly before 7am today with a group including his daughter Bindi as they travel to Southwark Crown Court
Awaiting sentence: Rolf Harris, 84, boarded a boat on the River Thames behind his house in Bray, Berkshire, shortly before 7am today with a group including his daughter Bindi as they travel to Southwark Crown Court
Convicted: The disgraced entertainer was found guilty of 12 sexual assaults on girls between 1968 and 1986 
Convicted: The disgraced entertainer was found guilty of 12 sexual assaults on girls between 1968 and 1986 
Discreet: The family could have left by car but opted for a quieter route down the River Thames this morning
Discreet: The family could have left by car but opted for a quieter route down the River Thames this morning


Passing sentence in a packed courtroom, the judge told Harris: 'For well over 50 years you have been a popular entertainer and TV personality of international standing with a speciality in children's entertainment. 
'You are also an artist of renown. You have been the recipient of a number of honours and awards over the years, you have done many good and charitable works and numerous people have attested to your positive good character.
'But the verdicts of the jury show that in the period from 1969 to 1986 you were also a sex offender, committing 12 indecent assaults on four victims who were variously aged between eight and 19 at the time.
'There were a number of aggravating features. You took advantage of the trust placed in you because of your celebrity status to commit the offences against three of the victims.
'All your offences in relation to (Bindi's friend) were committed in breach of the trust that her parents had placed in you and two of them took place in her own home.
'In every case the age gap between you and the victim was a very considerable one. You clearly got a thrill from committing the offences while others were present or nearby. Whilst others did not realise what you were doing their presence added to the ordeal of your victims.'
Mr Justice Sweeney told the entertainer: 'Rolf Harris, the sentence I pass upon you in total is one of five years and nine months imprisonment.
'Unless released earlier, you will serve half that sentence when you will be released on licence for the remainder of your sentence.
'Should you break the terms of that licence, including by commission of further offences, you will be liable to recall.'
The judge told the court he did not feel it was appropriate to order Harris to pay compensation to his victims, but said: 'You will, however, pay the costs of the prosecution in such sum as may be agreed or assessed in due course.'
‘My loved ones couldn't understand why I drank so much until I told them what Rolf had done to me for so long.’
She said she had quit alcohol since 2000 but still suffered panic attacks and severe anxiety and was unable to communicate and socialise with people outside a small circle, making her world ‘very small’.
Describing how she had ‘suffered in silence’ for years, she added: ‘Rolf Harris, knowing what he had done to me, put me through the ordeal of appearing in court,’ saying she felt he had tried to humiliate her by getting her to talk about the abuse in a public arena.
‘I believe he thought he could made me crumble which I used to, but I am better than I was.’
Mr Justice Sweeney said of his 16-year abuse: ‘I have no doubt that… it was your crimes against her that resulted in her becoming an alcoholic for many years with all that it entailed and that you caused her severe psychological harm.’
Tonya Lee, who was molested at the age of 15 after coming to Britain for a youth theatre tour said: ‘I have never felt safe since, I live in a constant state of anxiety.
‘What Mr Harris took from me was my very essence, I believe that it was for Mr Harris a forgettable moment but it was something for me I will never move on from. 
‘I know the person I am today is not the person I should have been.’
Harris’ youngest victim, who was sexually assaulted as she went to get his autograph at a community centre when she was seven said he had taken away her ‘childhood innocence’.
‘I became an angry child, unable to express myself and unable to trust men,’
She added: ‘When Jimmy Savile was exposed I had the courage to tell people I felt I would be believed.
‘I felt so much guilt that I had not said anything earlier, this was made worse when I read that Rolf Harris had abused others, I again blamed myself for not having the courage to say something sooner.
‘I carried what Rolf Harris did to me for most of my life, it took away my childhood.’ 
A fourth victim who was assaulted aged 13 when she was a teenager as Harris took part in a celebrity gameshow in Cambridge in the 1970s, said the entertainer had taken advantage of her, making her feel ashamed.
She said: ‘He treated me like a toy that he had played with for his own pleasure.’
A representative of the youngest victim, who was abused at the age of eight by Harris as she got his autograph near Portsmouth, said: "(She) had only eight years of her life without this incident going round in her head and that was her first eight years.
'After these cameras have been dismantled and the media circus has rolled on to another town it will still be with her as it will be with the other girls.
'In due time (she) will eventually share her story and experiences through the proper channels with a view to helping other children who have suffered at the hands of adults whether they are on the telly or sitting beside them watching it.
'Hopefully that way some good can be brought from this sad case.'
Sonia Woodley, QC, defending, said: ‘In the course of his 60 years in the entertainment business he has given much of his spare time freely and unstintingly to a variety of charitable causes with no complaint about his behaviour.’ 
She outlined Harris's charitable acts, from events he had attended, royalties he had donated to the Poppy Appeal, and the fact he had been patron of around 16 charities.
Speaking out: A represenative of one of the victims of sexual abuse by Rolf Harris gave a statement outside court. She said the girl only had eight years of freedom and has been plagued by torment ever since
Speaking out: A represenative of one of the victims of sexual abuse by Rolf Harris gave a statement outside court. She said the girl only had eight years of freedom and has been plagued by torment ever since

Packed: The court had to create an overspill room for spectators and the streets were lined with reporters
Packed: The court had to create an overspill room for spectators and the streets were lined with reporters
Sentence: Nine assaults Harris (left in his mugshot and right with his CBE) committed before 1986 carry a maximum of two years under the law at the time. Three in 1986, after the law changed, carry up to 10 yearsSentence: Nine assaults before 1986 carry a maximum of two years each under the law at the time. The remaining three guilty verdicts in 1986, after the law changed, carry up to 10 years each
Sentence: Nine assaults Harris (left in his mugshot and right with his CBE) committed before 1986 carried a maximum of two years under the law at the time. Three in 1986, after the law changed, carried up to 10 years
Support: Harris was flanked by his wife Alwen and daughter Bindi when the jury found him guilty of all counts
Support: Harris was flanked by his wife Alwen and daughter Bindi when the jury found him guilty of all counts


Online auction house eBay is considering a ban on artwork and other items related to Rolf Harris following his conviction.
Trade of the former painter's work surged after he was found guilty of 12 counts of sexual assault on Monday.
But in a statement yesterday, the website said it may block the items.
The company said: 'eBay doesn't allow sale of offensive items on our site, including those related to criminal activity.
'As soon as an issue comes to light, we immediately remove any listings which relate to the allegations. We continually review our policies and have considered these situations carefully.
'We are in the process of closely reviewing the items for sale on our site that relate to Rolf Harris. We acted immediately when we learnt of the allegations and have kept this issue under continuous review.'
She added: ‘This is a man who despite the position he now finds himself in has done much good in his life.’
She also said he suffered undisclosed health issues and acted as a carer for his frail wife Alwen Hughes, 82, who also has health problems.
She added: ‘As a man of 84 as he is he is already on borrowed time. Every day, every month, in prison is going to shorten his life.
‘A sentence has to be adapted for a person who appears before a court.
‘The impact upon this defendant is going to be far greater than a sentence imposed upon a younger and more healthy man.
‘He has a limited lifespan left and that will be diminished by a prison sentence because of the state of his health.
‘Since his conviction on Monday of this week which as your lordship may be aware from the media the defendant has been publicly shamed, stripped of various honours he has been given.
‘He has already been punished apart from any sentence imposed by this court.’
His devoted wife was notably absent yesterday as he was sentenced.
Miss Woodley said her health was his ‘utmost concern’, as he had been her carer for a considerable time and a prison sentence would have a significant effect on her life. 
She said: ‘Whatever may have happened earlier on in his life the defendant has looked after her with love and devotion. 
‘They are a close-knit family, both his wife and his daughter, and when his wife's health has permitted her to do so she has been in court to support her husband, indeed his daughter has appeared regularly on a daily basis.’ 
Claims: New Zealand MP Maggie Barry is one of dozens in the UK, Australia and New Zealand to bring forward further claims against the 84-year-old since he was convicted on Monday of a string of sexual assaults on girls
Claims: New Zealand MP Maggie Barry is one of dozens in the UK, Australia and New Zealand to bring forward further claims against the 84-year-old since he was convicted on Monday of a string of sexual assaults on girls
Entertainer: The judge lambasted Harris for using his role as a children's entertainer to approach his victimsEntertainer: The judge lambasted Harris for using his role as a children's entertainer to approach his victims
Entertainer: The judge lambasted Harris for using his role as a children's entertainer to approach his victims
She asked the judge to take the 84-year-old's age, health and the fact he had not behaved inappropriately for the last 20 years into account and asked the judge to give Harris: ‘some hope for the future in that he will be able to spend the remaining twilight years of his life with his family’.
Since his arrest was made public in April last year, his lawyers have received three lever arch files of letters and emails and two sacks of cards from supporters, including young children who have met the entertainer.
Mr Justice Sweeney said that he could not deal with compensation for his victims, because it involves complex issues of psychological harm and he had no reports on the matter.  
Harris kept secret stash of child porn images on his computer - with instructions of how to delete them
Police found a secret stash of child abuse images on Rolf Harris’ computer at home, it can now be revealed.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) wanted to put the veteran entertainer on trial for possessing indecent images, but yesterday the charges were dropped amid fears that the CPS ‘could be considered oppressive’ in light of his conviction for indecent assault.
Harris compiled a sickening catalogue of images of ‘extremely young’ children under 13 posing suggestively while semi-naked, with teddy bears in the foreground.
Child porn stash: Prosecutors claimed the 84-year-old had 33 images of children on his computer
Child porn stash: Prosecutors claimed the 84-year-old had 33 images of children on his computer
Detectives found a total of 33 indecent images of boys and girls downloaded from depraved websites named, 'Tiny Teen Pussy', ‘Little Vaginas’, ‘Youngest Teen Porn’ and ‘Young Little Girlies’ months after was arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting girls as young as seven.
Obsessed with porn, he regularly viewed thousands of images, with more than a third of the webpages he clicked on relating to adult porn.
Police found at least 496 erotic images from over 300 sites.
Four per cent of his computer viewing related to teenage porn with Harris clicking on images and sites with names such as ‘Russian Virgins’, ‘My Little Nieces’, ‘Just Teens’, ‘Tiny Teen Girlfriends’ and 'Babes Joy'. 
The photographs bearing the titles, ‘young leafs’, ‘erotica’, ‘iPhone girls’ and ‘extremely young girls vagina and nothing else’, included young girls with their vests pulled up over their breasts and pre-pubescent girls naked from the waist downwards wearing only a pair of socks.
In many cases, Harris returned to the same pictures over and over again after carefully deleting them from his browsing history.
He even kept a note in his diary of instructions on how to delete them from his computer.
On six occasions, he went onto a website called ‘Watch My Girlfriends’ to see two girls exposing their bras, with a teddy bear in the foreground.
The once-revered artist has been cleared of the charges as the CPS felt it 'could be considered oppressive' in light of his sentencing today
The once-revered artist has been cleared of the charges as the CPS felt it 'could be considered oppressive' in light of his sentencing today
Harris was charged with four counts of making indecent images of children in August 2013 after police discovered he had downloaded images between June 2012 and July 2013- months after he was arrested in November 2012.
But the jury were never told of his sordid collection kept on an Apple Mac at his home in Bray, Berkshire, which was used by other members of his family, after prosecutors were ambushed by his lawyers with unverified evidence from the porn sites that some of the girls pictured were over 18.
Simon Ray, defending, claimed an expert had procured ID cards from the sites showing the girls were adults, even though the websites originated in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries often associated with trafficking.
In legal argument not before the jury, Sasha Wass, QC, prosecuting, was forced to accede to the defence’s request to severe the four porn charges from the indecent assault trial after the questionable evidence was produced by the defence just days before the trial begun, preventing the prosecution from investigating properly.
Miss Wass suggested the ID cards were fabricated as it would be tantamount to a criminal offence for the porn site operators to admit they used children.
She said: ‘It can’t be reliable. They are almost certainly going to say girls viewed were overage, anything other than that would be compliant in a criminal offence.
‘They are extremely young girls, underage girls in pornographic poses.
‘The girls look underage. The websites introduce them as looking at underage, however even if they turned out to be 18, he is still looking for underage girls.’
She added: ‘It would be a terribly unfortunate coincidence if he has gone onto websites like teeny tiny girlfriends and young teen gallery when he was looking for adult material.’
Harris admitted looking at adult erotic material online when quizzed by officers but denied downloading child porn.
He insisted any child abuse images found their way onto his hard drive by mistake when he was clicking from one site to another searching for ‘kind girls’ and ‘babes’.
Family: His wife Alwen was left devastated by his affair with the housekeeper and daughter Bindi was 'crushed' by his fame. Today, the judge attacked Harris for his abuse of Bindi's friend as his daughter slept beside them
Family: His wife Alwen was left devastated by his affair with the housekeeper and daughter Bindi was 'crushed' by his fame. Today, the judge attacked Harris for his abuse of Bindi's friend as his daughter slept beside them
Took advantage: Victim impact statements heard Harris preyed on awestruck girls, 'haunting' them
Took advantage: Victim impact statements heard Harris preyed on awestruck girls, 'haunting' them
'The key point here is these were not deliberately sought out', said defence barrister Simon Ray.
‘In most instances, the relevant images were adverts for many other sites featuring amongst other images… the redirect from an adult site and the user would have had no control over arrival at this site.’
Mr Ray told Mr Justice Saunders there was a ‘huge amount of pornography found on the computer’ with his client regularly viewing sites such as ‘naked girls’, ‘lewd girls’, ‘hot babes’, ‘young models with moves’ and ‘xxxpornforfree’.
He argued that the charges should be dropped because the indecent images were 'wholly and unfairly out of context' in relation to years of downloading thousands of adult pornography
But it can now be revealed that Harris’ interest in pictures of naked children dated back to the 1970s.
Veteran BBC radio presenter Jeff Cooper recalled Harris showing off six images of naked children aged between four and nine at a canteen of BBC Radio Clyde in Glasgow between November 1978 and April 1979.
Four per cent of his computer viewing related to teenage porn from sites with names such as ‘Russian Virgins’, ‘My Little Nieces’, ‘Just Teens’, ‘Tiny Teen Girlfriends’ and 'Babes Joy' 
In pre-trial hearings in the absence of the jury, Miss Wass said Mr Cooper felt uncomfortable that he was flashing them in front of other members of staff.
But his testimony was not put before the jury for fear of prejudicing any second trial on child pornography charges.
Harris made a note in his diary about how to delete material from his computer, which he had owned since October 2010 before it was seized by police in November 2012, after seeking advice from a friend.
He had written: '1) start button
'2) control panel
'3) internet options
'4) press delete under heading below history, make sure all boxes ticked.'
A second note on another page said: 'Kind girls safari; go to private browsing, go to button with black guy silhouette for privacy.'
Ms Wass claimed this showed 'the defendant was very anxious to delete this particular material', but the entertainer claimed he was simply embarrassed about having accessed adult porn.
Harris's defence team claimed that all he searched for was 'kind girls' and 'babes', which took him to adult porn sites, from where he clicked on adverts that led to the disputed material.

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