Sunday, October 2, 2016

'They are insulting the intelligence of the British people!' Theresa May slams MPs plotting to block Brexit and promises to rein in immigration... but was it all a bit too much for Boris?

  • .May speaking at Conservative Party conference for the first time as leader
  • .Said today that Brexit process will be formally triggered by March 
  • .Means the UK is set to be out of the Brussels club by April 2019
  • .New 'Great Repeal Bill' will remove the act that took the UK into the EU 
  • .May lashes out at Brexit opponents for 'insulting' the referendum result 
Theresa May accused Brexit opponents of 'insulting the intelligence of the British people' today as she said we will leave the EU by April 2019 at the latest.
The Prime Minister also laid down the gauntlet to Brussels for the looming negotiations over the single market, making clear that control over immigration is a red line.
The uncompromising speech came as she revealed that Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty - the formal two-year mechanism for quitting the EU - will be triggered by March.

Theresa May said there would be no turning back on the EU referendum result as she addressed Tory activists for the first time since becoming PM
The Prime Minister, watched by senior figures including Chancellor Philip Hammond (pictured centre), made clear that regaining control over immigration would be a red line
The Prime Minister, watched by senior figures including Chancellor Philip Hammond (pictured centre), made clear that regaining control over immigration would be a red line
Mrs May also unveiled plans to enshrine all EU rules into domestic law, arguing that it will help smooth the transition and unnecessary red tape can be abolished by parliament later.
But the tub-thumping speech to activists at the Conservative Party conference - her first since becoming PM - seemed a bit too much for Boris Johnson. The Foreign Secretary was caught on camera resting his eyes as the PM delivered her rallying message.
Mrs May ridiculed those who had suggested the 'sky would fall in' following the Leave vote.
Mrs May said voters gave their answer on EU membership with ‘emphatic clarity’ on June 23 and strongly dismissed those arguing that the process for quitting the EU should first be passed by Parliament.
‘Now it is up the Government not to question, quibble or backslide on what we’ve been instructed to do but to get on with the job,' she said.
‘Because those people who argue that Article 50 can only be triggered after agreement in both Houses of Parliament are not standing up for democracy, they’re trying to subvert it.’  
Mrs May's speech seemed to be too much for Boris Johnson at one point, as he was caught on camera resting his eyes
Mrs May's speech seemed to be too much for Boris Johnson at one point, as he was caught on camera resting his eyes
However, the Foreign Secretary soon recovered his energy and enthusiastically applauded the PM before delivering his own rousing address
However, the Foreign Secretary soon recovered his energy and enthusiastically applauded the PM before delivering his own rousing address
Mrs May signalled she would fiercely oppose a legal bid to force a parliamentary vote on triggering Article 50. 
‘They’re not trying to get Brexit right, they’re trying to kill it by delaying it. 
They’re insulting the intelligence of the British people and that’s why next week I can tell you that the Attorney General himself, Jeremy Wright, will act for the Government and resist them in the courts,' she said. 
Mrs May said she would be sending the Attorney General in person to fight a court challenge demanding parliament votes on triggering Article 50 
Mrs May said she would be sending the Attorney General in person to fight a court challenge demanding parliament votes on triggering Article 50 

Mrs May said it was not for the government to 'quibble or backslide' after the public delivered their verdict on EU membership
Drawing battle lines with the EU for the coming negotiations, Mrs May said: 'I know some people ask about the “trade-off” between controlling immigration and trading with Europe. 
'But that is the wrong way of looking at things. We have voted to leave the European Union and become a fully-independent, sovereign country. 
'We will do what independent, sovereign countries do. We will decide for ourselves how we control immigration. And we will be free to pass our own laws.' 
Amid warnings that the UK will not be able to stay a member of the single market unless it accepts the free movement principle, Mrs May insisted she wanted to get the 'best deal possible'.
'I want it to include cooperation on law enforcement and counter-terrorism work,' she said. 
'I want it to involve free trade, in goods and services. I want it to give British companies the maximum freedom to trade with and operate in the Single Market – and let European businesses do the same here. 
'But let me be clear. We are not leaving the European Union only to give up control of immigration again. And we are not leaving only to return to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice.'
Mrs May sought to reassure workers that their rights will not be curbed by our departure from the EU - as Labour has warned.
'Let me be absolutely clear: existing workers’ legal rights will continue to be guaranteed in law – and they will be guaranteed as long as I am Prime Minister,' she said.
'Under this Government, we’re going see workers’ rights not eroded, and not just protected, but enhanced under this Government. 
'Because the Conservative Party is the true workers’ party, the only party dedicated to making Britain a country that works, not just for the privileged few, but for every single one of us.'
MPs are already threatening to try to derail the process of leaving the EU, with Tory former ministers among those threatening to rebel.
Prime Minister Theresa May 'We mean business'

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Theresa May, seen arriving for her speech with husband Philip this afternoon, is addressing Tory conference for the first time since becoming PM 
Theresa May, seen arriving for her speech with husband Philip this afternoon, is addressing Tory conference for the first time since becoming PM 
Mrs May took over from David Cameron in Downing Street in May, an has promised to push through the historic Brexit vote in the referendum
Mrs May took over from David Cameron in Downing Street in May, an has promised to push through the historic Brexit vote in the referendum
Former business minister Anna Soubry criticised the Article 50 timing as giving more power to the EU in the negotiations.  
She conceded her constituents in Broxtowe had narrowly voted in favour of leaving the EU. But she suggested she may not vote for the repeal legislation.
'Do I now put aside everything I've ever believed in and vote for something that I don't believe in as a Member of Parliament?' she told ITV's Peston on Sunday. 
'This is a really important constitutional question. I stood on a very clear platform when I stood to be the member of Parliament for Broxtowe that I was in favour of staying in the European Union. It's been my long-held belief all my life.' 
Mrs May had previously said that Article 50 will be invoked by the end of next year - but staunchly refused to be more precise. 
There had been speculation that she wanted to delay until after elections in Germany slated for September, on the basis the EU will have a clearer idea of its negotiating position after that.
But Brexiteer ministers including Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and International Trade Secretary Liam Fox have been pressing for the process to begin sooner.
Asked for a rough timescale in an interview on the BBC's Andrew Marr show this morning, Mrs May said: 'As you know, I have been saying that we wouldn't trigger it before the end of this year so that we get some preparation in place.
Theresa May says Article 50 will be triggered by March

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The PM said the move to repeal the legislation underpinning British membership of the EU was an 'important first step'
The PM said the move to repeal the legislation underpinning British membership of the EU was an 'important first step'

Mrs May is also proposing to enshrine all existing rules into UK law, with unnecessary ones to be removed later
 'But yes, I will be saying in my speech today that we will trigger (Article 50) before the end of March next year.'
Mrs May added: 'The remaining members of the EU have to decide what the process of negotiation is.
'I hope, and I will be saying to them, now that they know what our timing is going to be - it's not an exact date but they know it will be in the first quarter of next year - that we'll be able to have some preparatory work so that once the trigger comes we have a smoother process of negotiation.
Mrs May wore particularly colourful shoes as for her conference TV interview this morning
Mrs May wore particularly eye-catching shoes for her conference TV interview this morning
Images of former PM Margaret Thatcher - with whom Mrs May has been compared - were prominently on display at the conference venue in Birmingham today 
Images of former PM Margaret Thatcher - with whom Mrs May has been compared - were prominently on display at the conference venue in Birmingham today 
'It's not just important for the UK but important for Europe as a whole that we're able to do this in the best possible way so we have the least disruption for businesses, and when we leave the EU we have a smooth transition from the EU.'
However, Mrs May cautioned that triggering Article 50 did not mean she would be conducting negotiations in public.
'This is not about keeping silent for two years, but it's about making sure that we are able to negotiate, that we don't set out all the cards in our negotiation because, as anybody will know who's been involved in these things, if you do that up front, or if you give a running commentary, you don't get the right deal,' she said. 
The timing - which means that the UK will be out before the next round of elections to the European Parliament in 2019 - was warmly welcomed by Eurosceptics.
Former Cabinet minister Iain Duncan Smith suggested the process could be triggered before March.
The Prime Minister was appearing on the BBC's Andrew Marr show this morning
The Prime Minister was appearing on the BBC's Andrew Marr show this morning
She also talked about the influence of her vicar father on her lifeMrs May refused to say whether her husband Philip would join her on stage after her keynote speech on Wednesday
Mrs May refused to say whether her husband Philip would join her on stage after her keynote speech on Wednesday
The former Work and Pensions Secretary told Murnaghan on Sky News: 'This is a 'by the end of March', so there is every chance she will be triggering it earlier than that.
'It depends hugely on what they are doing behind the scenes, trying to make sure they have exactly the areas that they want lined up.' 
But Tory former minister Anna Soubry said triggering Article 50 so soon would leave the EU holding 'all the cards' in the negotiation.
She warned that companies like Nissan will 'pack up and leave' Britain if it cannot negotiate access to the single market and dismissed the repeal Bill as 'very technical and not a big deal'. 
The repeal legislation will be hailed as the beginning of the end of the supremacy of EU law in Britain.
Former Cabinet minister Iain Duncan Smith, pictured today, has welcomed the announcement on Article 50, which means the UK could be fully out of the EU before April 2019
Former Cabinet minister Iain Duncan Smith, pictured today, has welcomed the announcement on Article 50, which means the UK could be fully out of the EU before April 2019
But the new act will not take effect until Article 50 is triggered and the formal process of leaving the bloc has begun. 
The commitments are a response to demands from senior figures, including former Tory ministers Nicky Morgan and Ken Clarke, to go beyond the 'Brexit means Brexit' slogan.
Mrs May has again ruled out the prospect of an early election, insisting she wants stability for the country as she arrived for the gathering in Birmingham. 
In an interview she told The Sunday Times: 'This marks the first stage in the UK becoming a sovereign and independent country once again.
'It will return power and authority to the elected institutions of our country. 
'It means that the authority of EU law in Britain will end.'
The news will be greeted with cheers by Eurosceptics, who put repealing the 1972 European Communities Act, which took the UK in, at the heart of a 'Brexit manifesto' published days before the referendum.
Vote Leave, the formal campaign to leave the EU, also put getting rid of the European Communities Act as one of their top promises on the 'Brexit road map'. 
On the opening day Mrs May, Mr Johnson and Brexit Secretary David Davis will detail plans for the 'Great Repeal Bill' that will allow Britain to 'take back control' of its legislation.
It will give Parliament the power to unpick the laws it wants to keep, remove or amend at a later date, in a move designed to give certainty to businesses and protection for workers' rights that are enshrined in EU law.
Rights such as parental leave and automatic holiday will be maintained, in order to fend off Labour attacks.
Mr Davis will say: 'To those who are trying to frighten British workers, saying 'when we leave, employment rights will be eroded', I say firmly and unequivocally, 'no they won't'.'
The Prime Minister, pictured arriving at the Conservative conference with husband Philip last night, has taken the unusual step of scheduling two speeches at this year's gathering
The Prime Minister, pictured arriving at the Conservative conference with husband Philip last night, has taken the unusual step of scheduling two speeches at this year's gathering
On the opening day Mrs May and Brexit Secretary David Davis will detail plans for the 'Great Repeal Bill'
On the opening day Mrs May and Brexit Secretary David Davis will detail plans for the 'Great Repeal Bill'
The Bill is expected to be brought before Parliament in 2017 or 2018, and will not pre-empt the two-year process of leaving the EU, which begins when the Government triggers Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
Mr Davis will tell the conference: 'We will follow the process to leave the EU which is set out in Article 50.
'The Prime Minister has been clear that she won't start the formal negotiations about our exit before the end of the year.
'As we prepare for those negotiations in Europe, we also need to prepare for the impact of Brexit on domestic law.
'It's very simple. At the moment we leave, Britain must be back in control. And that means EU law must cease to apply.
'To ensure continuity, we will take a simple approach. EU law will be transposed into domestic law, wherever practical, on exit day.
'It will be for elected politicians here to make the changes to reflect the outcome of our negotiation and our exit.
'That is what people voted for: power and authority residing once again with the sovereign institutions of our own country.'
The repeal Bill will also mean the European Court of Justice (ECJ) will no longer be the ultimate arbiter in legal disputes.
Controversial judgements from the ECJ over the years have triggered anger from right-leaning MPs, with the court held as a beacon of Brussels's influence over Britain.
Also included will be powers to make changes to the laws using secondary legislation as negotiations over the UK's future relationship proceed, although more wide-ranging amendments or new laws may come forward in separate legislation.
Mrs May also made clear she does not want the conference to be dominated by the issue of leaving the EU.
But it may prove difficult with Tory MPs divided between favouring a 'hard Brexit' outside the European single market to obtain complete control over immigration, or remaining in the free trade zone, but potentially having to comply with some EU rules.
Prime Minister Theresa May arrives at the hotel in Birmingham ahead of the Conservative Party conference
Prime Minister Theresa May arrives at the hotel in Birmingham ahead of the Conservative Party conference
PM Theresa May arrives in Birmingham for annual Tory conference

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'I'm clear that we are not going to be completely consumed by Brexit,' the Prime Minister told the Sun on Sunday.
'What I want to deliver is real change. To build a country that works for everyone.'
It is also not guaranteed that the Great Repeal Bill would be implemented efficiently, as it would still need a majority vote from MPs and peers.
This means the pro-EU Lords could hold up its progress.
Sir Craig Oliver, David Cameron's former spin doctor, expressed his frustration over Mrs May's stance during the EU referendum.
Sir Craig, who has released a book entitled Unleashing Demons: The Inside Story Of Brexit, told the BBC: 'It was very difficult in the lead-up to that campaign having a Home Secretary not reveal which side she was on.
'When she did reveal which side she was on, it was 51-49 and was very equivocal.'
He added: 'It's perfectly legitimate for Theresa May to do that. What the book is doing is recounting what was it like being in Downing Street to be part of this tumultuous situation.'
Mrs May's speech, set for around 3pm today, will open up the Conservative Party's four-day annual conference. 

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