Friday, May 23, 2014

'The Ukip fox is in the Westminster hen house': Jubilant Farage taunts Cameron, Clegg and Miliband after his party takes council seats from Tories in the south and Labour heartlands in the north

  • Tories in South and Labour in Midlands and North suffer as Ukip win seats
  • Labour makes gains in London but falls short of expectations elsewhere 
  • Conservatives lose Hammersmith and Fulham to Labour in shock result
  • Tories also lose control of Essex councils as Ukip deny them majorities  
  • Lib Dems lose Portsmouth and Tories rob them of Kingston-upon-Thames
  • Nick Clegg refuses to resign as Labour MPs round on Ed Miliband 
  • European election results will not be announced until Sunday night 
A surge in support for Ukip has cost all the mainstream parties seats and control of councils, as Nigel Farage's People's Army marches into town halls across the country.
The Tories, Labour and Lib Dems all saw their grip on local authorities eroded as dozens of seats fell to Ukip in local elections in England.
With half of council results declared, Ukip had smashed through more than 100 gains, with the Tories losing 132 and Labour gaining 151. Labour has gained control of five councils, with Conservatives losing nine and the Lib Dems two.
A jubilant Mr Farage declared: 'The Ukip fox is in the Westminster hen house.' 
Ukip leader Nigel Farage clutches a bottle of wine as he is mobbed by supporters and the media as he met new councillors in South Ockendon
Ukip leader Nigel Farage clutches a bottle of wine as he is mobbed by supporters and the media as he met new councillors in South Ockendon
Cheers! After a gruelling election campaign, Mr Farage savers a pint in a pub in Benfleet
Cheers! After a gruelling election campaign, Mr Farage savers a pint in a pub in Benfleet
By 2pm, with 80 councils having declared results, Ukip had gained more than 100 council seats
By 2pm, with 80 councils having declared results, Ukip had gained more than 100 council seats
Of the first 80 councils to declare, Labour is in control of 49 councils, up five, while the Tories have lost nine councils, leaving them in control of 25
Of the first 80 councils to declare, Labour is in control of 49 councils, up five, while the Tories have lost nine councils, leaving them in control of 25
Ukip gains cost the Tories control of Basildon, Castle Point and Southend while a surge in Essex saw Mr Farage's party erode the Labour grip in Thurrock - a key Westminster target for Ed Miliband's party.
In the north, Ukip showed it could pose a threat to Labour in its strongholds, taking 10 of the 21 council seats up for election in Rotherham, including nine gains, and polling an average of 47 per cent where its candidates stood.
The Lib Dems lost control of Portsmouth after Ukip won six seats, including defeating under-fire Lib Dem MP Mike Hancock who was standing for re-election to the council.
Speaking to reporters outside his home this morning, Mr Farage said: 'There are areas of the country where now we have got an imprint in local government. Under the first-past-the-post system we are serious players.' 
Tory leader David Cameron ruled out an election pact with Ukip, insisting his party had to do more to persuade voters they were delivering for Britain
Tory leader David Cameron ruled out an election pact with Ukip, insisting his party had to do more to persuade voters they were delivering for Britain
Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg refused to resign after losing flagship councils, while Labour leader Ed Miliband faced fresh criticism of his leadership style


Ukip might not have won any councils themselves, but a surge in support robbed the other parties of overall control of town halls across the country.
Ukip gains cost the Tories control in Maidstone, Basildon, Peterborough, Castle Point and Southend-on-Sea.
Similarly, Labour lost control of Thurrock and Lib Dems were ousted from Portsmouth after Ukip won seats.
Basildon 11 seats 
Portsmouth 6 seats 
Thurrock 5 seats
Southend 5 seats
Castlepoint 5 seats
Maidstone 4 seats 
Mr Farage suggested that the idea that Ukip had only damaged the Tory vote had been blown away by the results.
'There were two conversations going on last night. One was in Westminster amongst commentariat and MPs... The other conversation was going on in Swindon where the Labour leader said: "We've been hurt by Ukip",' he told the BBC.
'Another conversation was going in Rotherham where Ukip won 10 seats and Labour won 11 seats.
'In the West Midlands Labour were saying 'Ukip are splitting our vote and letting the Tories in'. And I think this idea that the UKIP vote just hurts the Tories I think is going to be blown away by these results.'
All the main parties have been left reeling about how to respond to the Ukip threat, with just a year to go until the general election.
Labour leader Ed Miliband, under pressure for failing to make major gains with a year until the general election said voters turned to Ukip out of a 'deep sense of discontent' with the way the country is being run.
He insisted he can 'persuade' Ukip backers to support him in the battle for Number 10 in May next year. 
He told Sky News: 'I think in some parts of the country we've had discontent building up for decades about the way the country has been run and about the way our economy works and people feeling that the country just doesn't work for them.
'And so what you are seeing in some parts of the country is people turning to Ukip as an expression of that discontent and that desire for change.'
Early indications suggested Ukip appeared to be struggling to make progress in London, where the big battles were between Labour and the Tories.
In a boost for Mr Miliband, Labour ousted the Tories from Hammersmith and Fulham, a flagship authority in the capital.
Labour also gained the key target London borough of Croydon from the Conservatives. Labour gained seven seats, while the Tories lost seven seats.  
Tory party chairman Grant Shapps was forced to rule out a pact with Ukip at the general election to stem the loss of support.
More than 4,000 council seats at 161 English local authorities were up for grabs, including the London boroughs and those in Northern Ireland.
Votes were also cast throughout the UK for the European Parliament contest to return 73 MEPs - but those results will not be announced until Sunday night.      
'The Ukip fox is in the Westminster hen house' Farage says
Ukip supporters celebrate big national gains as they wait for leader Nigel Farage to arrive in South Ockenden
Ukip supporters celebrate big national gains as they wait for leader Nigel Farage to arrive in South Ockenden
Frances Fox celebrates becoming Ukip's first councillor elected in Peterborough
Frances Fox celebrates becoming Ukip's first councillor elected in Peterborough
The count at Trinity School in Croydon seemed to be too much for some
The count at Trinity School in Croydon seemed to be too much for some


Labour hailed a 'spectacular' victory in Hammersmith and Fulham, taking control of the flagship Tory council.
Eleven Conservative seats in the Tory stronghold went to Labour - leaving the council with 26 Labour seats and 20 Conservative.
The borough, sometimes described as David Cameron's favourite, has been under Conservative control since 2002.
Ed Miliband's party also won overall control of the south London borough of Merton, gaining eight seats.  
The party also made gains in Hastings, Carlisle, Cannock Chase, Dudley and Ipswich.
Labour also took Cambridge from no overall control, taking seats off the Liberal Democrats. 
The Tories lost overall control of Maidstone in Kent, after Ukip took four seats and Labour gained one.
The Conservatives also saw the grip on Peterbroough eroded, losing three seats to Ukip and one to Labour, and narrlowly clung on in Tamworth after Ukip took one seat.
The Tories also lost Brentwood, in the backyard of Communities Secretary Eric Pickles.  They lost two seats to the Lib Dems and one to Labour, which means that no party has a majority.
The Conservatives also lost control in Southend-on-Sea after a Ukip surge saw them gain five seats.
Ukip took five seats in Castle Point, denying the Tories of another overall majority.
Ukip showed signs of making major gains elsewhere in Essex, traditionally a key Labour-Tory battleground which can decide general elections. 
Margaret Thatcher identified the 'Essex man' when prime minister as someone who previously would have been expected to vote Labour but backed her leadership thanks to polices targeted to appeal to them.
In Basildon, Ukip gained 11 seats - becoming the second largest party and costing the Tories control of the council.
Mr Farage's party gained seven seats from the Conservatives, two from Labour and one each from the Lib Dems and an independent.
In Thurrock - a key swing seat in the Commons - Ukip gained five seats, meaning that Labour lost control of the council. 

Labour MPs round on Miliband for 'unprofessional' campaign

Labour leader Ed Miliband was forced to defend the way he ran his campaign after failing to make breakthroughs in several key areas
Labour leader Ed Miliband was forced to defend the way he ran his campaign after failing to make breakthroughs in several key areas


WINS: Hammersmith & Fulham and Croydon are big wins, suggesting Labour has strength in London. Won Cambridge after taking seats from Lib Dems.
Retained control of Harlow Council, despite losing three seats to UKIP.
LOSSES: Failing to win Swindon is a setback, while losing control of Thurrock suggests the party may struggle to win key swing seats at the next election. In the party's heartland of Rotherham, UKIP took 10 of the 21 seats being contested.
Senior Labour MPs rounded on the party leadership today, as election experts warned the party was no longer on track to win the next general election.
While the party made significant progress in London, elsewhere it struggled to make gains as anti-government protest votes went to Ukip.
One of the country's top polling experts Professor John Curtice said Labour had lost up to 9 per cent support since the last local elections two years ago.
Labour MP Graham Stringer suggested the public were not buying into the prospect of Ed Miliband as Prime Minister.
He said: 'These wasn’t the kind of enthusiasm on the doorstep that I have felt when we have been going to win elections.
'And when you talk more deeply to people, they don’t really find an empathy or sympathy with Ed. He’s not getting over his own personality over to them in a way they feel warm towards.'
Mr Stringer was asked if he was worried by the results. He said: 'Yes.'
The Labour MP added: 'Ed Miliband has just said the general election campaign starts here. Well, I am afraid, really, the general election campaign started at the start of this campaign, and we have not done as well as we should have done.'
Senior Labour figures warned there was little enthusiasm for Ed Miliband, with the anti-government protest vote switching to Ukip
Senior Labour figures warned there was little enthusiasm for Ed Miliband, with the anti-government protest vote switching to Ukip
He attacked the Labour leadership's refusal to grant the public a referendum on Europe and slammed Mr Miliband for his blundering TV performace this week in which he failed to know how much he spent on his shopping.
'The centrepiece of our campaign has been the cost of living, and yet Ed didn’t know his own cost of living when he went into it, he didn’t know how much he was spending on shopping.
'Really, people around him should have said when David Cameron had been attacked as a posh boy not knowing the price of milk that we should not fall into that trap. We should know the price of milk and bread. That sort of thing is unforgivably unprofessional.'
Professor John Curtice, said the public did not seem to see Labour as a alternative Government.
He said: 'When it comes to local elections, we have quite high expectations of what oppositions should achieve.
'We basically say, if a party looks as though it is potentially regarded as an alternative government, it should be doing very well in local elections, even better than you would expect to do in a general election in 12 months' time.
'The truth is, by that test at least, Labour have not done well enough.
'Most of the seats that were being up for grabs yesterday were last fought over on the same day as the 2010 general election.
'And if you compare Labour's performance vote-for-vote with 2010, the advance is just 3 percentage points - 3 per cent on what was the day in which Labour recorded its second worst result.
'And if you actually compare these results with the position two years ago, which we can also compare most of these places with, Labour's vote is clearly well down, something like nine points.
'So the truth is, modest progress, Labour not even doing as well as they were able to do earlier in this parliament, and thereby again reinforcing the doubts that have always been there that at the end of the day it is not entirely clear that the British electorate regard Labour as a clear alternative.'
Former Labour Cabinet minister Peter Hain yesterday warned the party was losing working class votes – and warned Mr Miliband to adopt a more ‘robust’ approach to Ukip.
‘The problem is that there is a seriously alienated – mostly white working class, often male – vote out there that was traditionally Labour’s,’ he said.
One senior Labour figure told The Times: ‘The truth is that Miliband looks weird, sounds weird, is weird.’
'When you talk more deeply to people, they don’t really find an empathy or sympathy with Ed'
Labour shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna attempted to play down the emergence of Ukip, saying support for the party represented ‘discontent with the entire political system’. But he added: ‘Undoubtedly we’re in an era of four party politics.
Former minister David Lammy said the party should have done better in places such as Swindon, conceding that voters were 'swallowing' Ukip's message on immigration and Europe.
But Labour election boss Douglas Alexander insisted Labour could win the general election based on the results coming in overnight from key battleground seats. The party has seized control in Hammersmith and Fulham, previously a flagship Tory authority, and is expecting positive results in Merton and Croydon.
He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: 'I think there is not just a whole group of people who feel left behind by the economy but locked out of politics.
'There is a deep anger and alienation there and the votes that we have seen for Ukip overnight are in part a reflection of that reality.
'The challenge is how does a party like the Labour party seek to respond? And I don’t think simply politics as usual is an adequate response to trends that didn’t build up in the last few days, but actually have been building up over decades.' 

'We don't do deals': Cameron rejects idea of a pact with Ukip

David Cameron, touring a warehouse today, insisted he understood the message from voters who chose to back Ukip
David Cameron, touring a warehouse today, insisted he understood the message from voters who chose to back Ukip
David Cameron ruled out doing a deal with Ukip as he came under fresh pressure from Tory MPs to stem losses at the general election.
Tory MPs fear that without an electoral pact with Nigel Farage - which would see Ukip agree not to stand against Eurosceptic Conservatives - Labour could take power next year.
But the Prime Minister insisted: 'We're the Conservative party, we don't do pacts or deals, we're fighting all out.' 
Labour ousted the Tories from Hammersmith and Fulham, a flagship authority in the capital, and also gained the key target London borough of Croydon from the Conservatives. 
Downing Street took comfort from seeing off the Labour threat in Swindon and Thurrock, but Ukip gains robbed them of overall control in Maidstone, Peterborough, Basildon, Castle Point and Southend. 
However Ukip gains cost the Tories control in Maidstone, Basildon, Peterborough, Castle Point and Southend-on-Sea. 


WINS: Increasing majority in Swindon, a major Labour target.
Clung on in Tamworth after losing just one seat to Ukip. Won Kingston upon Thames from the Lib Dems.
LOSSES: Labour taking Hammersmith and Fulham is a big blow.
Maidstone and Peterborough slipped into no overall control after Ukip gains. Brentwood, in Eric Pickles' backyard, now no overall control, alongside other south Essex councils Basildon, Castle Point and Southend.
Conservative MP Douglas Carswell said: ‘We need a pact with Ukip. If David Cameron is as serious about an in/out vote in 2017 as he says he is, and if Nigel Farage is as serious about Brexit as he claims, the two of them need to do a deal,’ he said. 
Jacob Rees-Mogg told the BBC: 'In a first-past-the-post system, if they don't get those votes into one pot, then both those sides end up losing.' 
But speaking in his Oxfordshire constituency, Mr Cameron insisted he would not do a deal.
'We're the Conservative party, we don't do pacts or deals, we're fighting all out for an all out win at the next election,' he said.
But he conceded that the public were 'frustrated' with the political establishment's failure to address their concerns.
'People want us to deliver,' he said. 'The economy is growing, we are creating jobs, but we have got to work harder and we have got to really deliver on issues that are frustrating people and frustrating me, like welfare reform and immigration and making sure people really benefit from this recovery.
'We will be working flat out to demonstrate that we do have the answers to help hard working people.'
Tory backbencher John Baron - MP for Basildon and Billericay - said Mr Cameron was still making mistakes and ceding ground to Ukip.
'Whilst accepting that Ukip is in part a protest vote, the political establishment has been too complacent over the EU. It must now heed the message from these elections,' he said.
'No 10 must learn from past mistakes. First it tried to ignore, and then insult, Ukip. It then took our backbench campaigns to get a referendum, and then support for legislation.
'But even now mistakes are being made. We have immigration targets, yet cannot control the major EU component. 
'We also need to make clearer that there will be no deal with Ukip.'
Tory Education Secretary Michael Gove said the loss of votes to Ukip was a 'clear instruction from people on us to deliver'
Tory Education Secretary Michael Gove said the loss of votes to Ukip was a 'clear instruction from people on us to deliver'
Tory party chairman Grant Shapps insisted: 'We’re not going to have a pact or joint candidates, or whatever.
'It can’t happen on a technical basis because we do not allow joint candidates to stand... It’s not going to happen because we’re the Conservative party; we are the best chance to offer an in/out referendum, the only chance.'
'No 10 must learn from past mistakes. We have immigration targets, yet cannot control the major EU component'
Education Secretary Michael Gove told ITV's Good Morning Britain: 'I don’t think we should have a pact. 
'I think we should seek to get every individual who is concerned about the best future for this country to support David Cameron as the next Prime Minister and the best way to do that is to vote Conservative.
'We appreciate and understand why people have voted Ukip, and in government we will make sure that we deliver on the priorities that people have clearly set out.
'There’s a clear instruction from people on us to deliver. I understand why some people have been angry in the past about the failure of government, but now that we’re in a position to deliver, we should.' 
Defeat by Ukip had been expected to renew pressure on Mr Cameron to toughen up on Europe and immigration. But a planned Tory backlash has been put on hold while the party focuses on fighting next month’s Newark by-election, vacated by shamed Tory MP Patrick Mercer.
A Tory MP said: ‘People are keeping their powder dry until we see the result in Newark. To lose would be a disaster – there would be massive ructions.’ 

Clegg refuses to resign as Lib Dems lose Portsmouth and Kingston

Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg left his home this morning to begin assessing the damaging to his local party base
Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg left his home this morning to begin assessing the damaging to his local party base
Nick Clegg today refused to resign as Lib Dem leader after losing control of some of his party's flagship councils.
The Lib Dems were ousted from Portsmouth after a surge of support for Ukip while the Tories took control of Kingston-upon-Thames - the local authority of Energy Secretary Ed Davey. 
A rare glimmer of good news came in Eastleigh, where the Lib Dems have tightened their grip on the local authority after successfully defending the parliamentary seat in a by-election last year.
Mr Clegg conceded that his party had suffered at the hands of a Ukip surge, blaming a 'very strong anti-politics feeling among the public.
But he added: 'Actually I think in the areas where we have MPs where we have good organisation on the ground... we are actually doing well.'
The Lib Dems are are on course to lose around 300 seats. 
Earlier Lib Dem minister Lynne Featherstone said her party had lost its ‘humanity’ in office.
‘Ukip have managed to sound like human beings – that’s Nigel Farage’s big win,’ she told the BBC. ‘All of us have become so guarded, we are so on-message that we seem to have lost some of our humanity.
‘The Lib Dems are the whipping boys in the coalition. In the last general election debates Nick came across as the human being… Partly being in government, we have become more ministerial, we have become more political. We have lost some of the humanity Nick had four years ago.’
With rumours swirling of a leadership plot, Mr Clegg has urged his party not to ‘lose its nerve’ just as the Government’s key decisions are being ‘vindicated’.
Mr Clegg told reporters it was 'never easy' seeing 'dedicated, hard-working' councillors kicked out.
But he said he would 'absolutely not' resign, and insisted the Lib Dems were still succeeding where they focused on their achievements in coalition.
'Based on the results which have come in so far, it has obviously been a mixed result, a mixed night for my party, for the Liberal Democrats and the other mainstream parties,' Mr Clegg said.
'We will see what the further results today, what story they tell. But so far what I have seen is that where we can work really hard to tell our side of the story, we can win.'
He added: 'I certainly accept that there is a very strong anti-politics mood around, not only in our country but in many other parts of Europe as well. I think you will see that in European elections in the days to come...
'There is a very strong mood of restlessness and dissatisfaction with mainstream politics and that is reflected in the results for all mainstream parties, including the Lib Dems.'
Mr Clegg is under fresh pressure, with the Lib Dems braced to lose many of their MEPs when the European election results emerge on Sunday night
Mr Clegg is under fresh pressure, with the Lib Dems braced to lose many of their MEPs when the European election results emerge on Sunday night


WINS: Did well in Eastleigh - stopping Ukip from taking any seats on council.
LOSSES: Portsmouth slipped into no overall control, as Ukip took four seats.
Tories took overall control of Kingston-upon-Thames.
Labour took Cambridge. 
Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats Sir Malcolm Bruce played down his party's losses and stressed it intended to be a 'major force' in British politics for the foreseeable future.
He told BBC Breakfast: 'It is obviously disappointing to lose councillors, particularly those who have worked hard in their community and may have been replaced by those who haven't got a track record.
'But actually we are pleased that where we have targeted our resources, particularly in held seats or key seats, we have actually had very good results.
'That's really very important for us. Getting an even share across the country doesn't deliver seats, getting them in the seats that matter is what matters to us.' 
Senior party figures dismiss ideas that Mr Clegg could be replaced by Danny Alexander or Vince Cable, but are preparing for a bumpy few weeks if the results are bad. In several European election polls, the party has been languishing in fifth place behind the Greens.
A poll suggests that only 46 per cent of Lib Dem voters would want Mr Clegg to stay in his job if the party ends up in that position. 
David Cameron and senior Tories, however, are said to be planning a ‘Save Clegg’ operation that will see the Lib Dems given ‘wins’ in the forthcoming Queen’s Speech.
Lib Dem sources insisted their vote was holding up well in their Parliamentary seats, and that both the Tories and Labour were falling short of the sort of results they need to demonstrate if they want to win a majority next year.

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