Thursday, October 17, 2013

'It's sexist to think MPs should give up their seat': Row erupts after heavily pregnant Equalities Minister is forced to STAND for PMQs


  • Equalities minister left without a seat during 30-minute Commons session
  • Source says it is ‘quite sexist’ to suggest she was not capable of standing
  • Lib Dem high flier has championed parental rights in government
  • Insists she will not be taking ministerial red box on maternity leave
By Matt Chorley and James Chapman
Pregnant: Equalities minister Jo Swinson is due to give birth on Christmas Day
Pregnant: Equalities minister Jo Swinson is due to give birth on Christmas Day
Heavily pregnant minister Jo Swinson was left to stand throughout Prime Ministers Question while hundreds of MPs sat on the Commons green benches.
But a source close to Miss Swinson today claimed it was ‘quite sexist’ to suggest she was not capable of standing.
The incident reignited the debate about whether people should offer their seat to pregnant women, and whether expectant mothers should assume they would.
Miss Swinson champions women’s rights in government and has called for a change in attitudes to new parents.
But onlookers were alarmed to see the 33-year-old standing during throughout PMQs yesterday, while Labour, Tory and Lib Dem  backbenchers sat nearby.
As David Cameron took questions in the Commons at midday every seat was taken, leaving a large group of MPs standing by the main doors.
Miss Swinson, who is due to give birth on Christmas Day, was among them.
But none of the MPs sitting just feet away offered her a seat – to the surprise of Westminster observers.
James Forsyth, political editor of The Spectator, wrote on Twitter: ‘Quite remarkable that no MP has offered Jo Swinson, who is seven months pregnant, a seat.
'Really shocking lack of manners and decency.’
However aides to Miss Swinson claimed the idea that she was not capable of standing was 'sexist'.
A source close to the minister said: ‘The suggestion somehow that people should be outraged on her behalf is ridiculous. The idea that just because she is seven months pregnant she has lost all ability to stand on her two feet or fend for herself is quite sexist.
'She did not think it was an issue. If she had wanted to sit down she would have asked to sit. She is quite capable of fulfilling her functions as a minister – including standing and walking – while she is pregnant. She is not somehow severely incapacitated.’

The source said the minister did not want to ‘give a running commentary’ on whether she had been offered or accepted seats in other circumstances, such as on public transport.
‘Sometimes she’s in the middle of a carriage surrounded by people who are also standing so other passengers may not see her,’ the source added. ‘She does not necessarily feel aggrieved about that.’
Standing room only: None of the MPs who had secured a seat for Prime Minister's Questions gave up their place for Miss Swinson
Standing room only: None of the MPs who had secured a seat for Prime Minister's Questions gave up their place for Miss Swinson (circled)


The Duchess of Cambridge was presented a badge that says Baby on Board in March 2012 The issue of whether to offer up a seat to a pregnant woman has become increasingly vexed.
In one camp are those that argue expectant mothers are more likely to be tired - they are carrying around another person after all - and will appreciate the option of sitting down.
But critics say the idea that that a pregnant woman cannot stand up on a train or a bus is sexist and patronising.
Last year mother-to-be Meenakshi Minnis hit out at 'barbaric' passengers on a packed Manchester tram refused who refused to give up their tram seat - even though she is eight months' pregnant and needs crutches to walk.
When Kate Middleton, five months pregnant, was presented with a 'Baby On Board' in March last year she joked she would 'wear it at home'.
Miss Swinson is a junior business minister working with Vince Cable, and has pushed for greater equality for women at work.
She has admitted the pressure of carrying a baby was taking its toll on being a minister in the government and Lib Dem MP for East Dunbartonshire.
However the source resented the idea that Miss Swinson has been made to like 'some sort of victim'.
'She arrived ten minutes late for PMQs, and that’s why she was standing right at the back,’ the source said.
‘She wasn’t visible to the majority of MPs who had their backs to her. She also knew she had to leave early because she had another event to go to.
‘She was standing talking to a colleague, and she was perfectly happy standing. She was perfectly happy being where she was and did not feel the need to have a seat. If she needed to have a seat, or had felt she wanted to have one, she would have been perfectly capable of asking.
Once tipped as a future Scottish Secretary, she admitted she will not be able to lead the charge in next year’s independent referendum.
‘Clearly, there will be a period when I won’t be able to be quite as active on the doorsteps,’ she told the Independent on Sunday last month.
‘But, yes, I want to be strongly involved in that campaign because I believe it’s so important for the future of Scotland and, indeed, for the future of the UK.’
She is also adamant that she will not take ministerial red boxes while on maternity leave.
‘I am still very committed and enjoy my job and want to come back to continue doing that, but I think having a bit of time to do that early bonding is also really important.’
Government: Miss Swinson is a close ally of Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and has been tipped for the Cabinet
Government: Miss Swinson is a close ally of Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and has been tipped for the Cabinet
The coalition has agreed new rules allowing new parents work alternate months for up to a year under moves to tear up ‘old-fashioned and rigid’ workplace rules.
Mums and dads will be able to ‘mix and match’ how they look after a newborn baby for their first year. They will be able to take up a total of 52 weeks in joint leave, either taking it in turns or at the same time.
Ministers hope the changes will encourage fathers to play a bigger role in raising their child while mothers are able to return to work at a time of their choosing.
Miss Swinson said she had discussed with her husband Duncan Hames, who is also a Lib Dem MP, about how to ‘share the parenting as much as possible’.
She added: ‘Like most new parents, we are both very excited about our new arrival and wanting to be very hands-on from the start.’

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