Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Heartbroken parents of missing baby Lisa plan her third birthday party amid agonizing wait for DNA test results on rescued gypsy camp girl they hope is their daughter

  • Jeremy and Deborah have kept their Kansas City home in a state of readiness for Lisa's return, packed full of princess dresses and toys
  • The devastated mother says: 'No matter what, we're always waiting for her'
  • Lisa was abducted when she was 11 months old in the middle of the night two years ago
By Laura Collins In Kansas City, Missouri
Lisa Irwin turns three on November 11. Her party is already planned. The theme will be Barney, there will be a cake and cards and piles of presents.
And this year, her parents Jeremy and Deborah desperately hope, there will be Lisa.
They have lived with the daily agony of hope ever since the night of October 4, 2011 when Lisa, then 11 months, was snatched away in the night – abducted from her Kansas City home while her mother slept.
Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin talk about their infant daughter, known as Baby Lisa, who was abducted more than two years ago from their Kansas City, Missouri home
Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin talk about their infant daughter, who was abducted more than two years ago
Baby Lisa Irwin is admired by her brothers, Blake (left) and Michael shortly after her 2010 birth
Baby Lisa Irwin is admired by her brothers, Blake (left) and Michael shortly after her 2010 birth

Now the discovery of Maria – the bleak-faced little blonde living in a Roma gypsy camp in Greece and at the center of an international identity appeal - has brought a new peak of intensity. Because Maria could be Lisa.
Today, in an emotional interview with MailOnline, Jeremy and Deborah have revealed their hopes and heartbreak as they wait for news.
Speaking from their Missouri home, Deborah, 27, explained: ‘We started to get emails and messages from all over the world to Lisa’s website and Facebook page and email account sending us articles and pictures of Maria on Friday.’

At first, she admitted, she saw little resemblance to her daughter in the grainy images on her cellphone screen.
She said: ‘But then I got home and started doing comparisons between Maria and the age progression photos of Lisa. The hair was a bit off but then we were told Maria’s hair could be dyed. So the next step was to look at the size of Maria.’ 

Deborah Bradley talks about her hopes for the return of her daughter in the nursery where the infant was abducted. It is filled with toys and clothes given by supporters
Deborah Bradley talks about her hopes for the return of her daughter in the nursery where the infant was abducted. It is filled with toys and clothes given by supporters
Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin hold an age-progressive image of their abducted daughter, known as Baby Lisa, as she might look two years after her kidnapping
Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin hold an age-progressive image of their abducted daughter, known as Baby Lisa, as she might look two years after her kidnapping

It has been reported that authorities now believe the little girl in Greece could be as old as five or six in part because of her height.
But, according to Deborah, Lisa 'is a big girl'.
‘She takes after her father,’ she explained. 'When she was taken she was in the 95th percentile for her age. So I googled how tall an average three-year-old in the 95th percentile could be and it was pretty much Maria’s height.'
In that moment, as she and Jeremy pulled together every scrap of information they could glean, they started to believe, 'this could be Lisa'.
It is not the first time the couple have been lifted by a promising lead that offers up only heartache in the end. But it is by far 'the biggest' lead yet.
And somehow, regardless of the agonizing cycle of hope and disappointment through which they have lived so many times, they still dare to believe that their only daughter may be within touching distance.
The FBI has sent an official request for international assistance regarding Lisa, the National Center for Missing Children have pressed Lisa’s case and several European agencies have assured Jeremy and Deborah that they are doing likewise.
The nursery where Baby Lisa Irwin was abducted is filled with princess dresses and toys as her family waits in agonizing hope for her return
The nursery where Baby Lisa Irwin was abducted is filled with princess dresses and toys as her family waits in agonizing hope for her return
Piles of pink toys and dresses have been collected for Lisa over the years as they refuse to give up hope that she will one day come home
Piles of pink toys and dresses have been collected for Lisa over the years as they refuse to give up hope that she will one day come home

Yesterday, Interpol revealed that so far a comparison of Maria’s DNA against their global database has not produced a match.
The agency has more than 600 missing people listed on its database, 32 of whom are five or six years old.
A spokesman for a Greek children’s charity said about 10 cases of missing children around the world are ‘being taken very seriously’ in connection with Maria’s case.
‘They include children from the United States, Canada, Poland and France,’ said Panagiotis Pardalis, from Smile of the Child charity.
So now, after a flurry of activity that began on Friday, all Jeremy and Deborah can do is wait.
‘No matter what, we’re always waiting for her,’ Deborah said.
Jeremy added, ‘It’s always 100 miles an hour and then zero miles an hour. I mean we’d like to get answers instantly but sadly they’ve got thousands of requests to go through so we have to be patient.’
‘It’s what it was like at the beginning,’ Deborah reflected.
Lisa Irwin was taken from her parents' home in Kansas City in October 2011 and they have now expressed their hope that the little girl known as Maria rescued in Greece might be her

Age-progression: On the left is how the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children imagines Lisa would look and on the right is little Maria from Greece
An age-progression picture from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children imagines how Lisa Irwin would look today (right). She bears a resemblance to Maria, the girl rescued from a Greek gypsy camp

News of Lisa’s abduction exploded into the small north Kansas neighborhood in the early hours of October 4 two years ago.

Officers hammered on neighbors’ doors, an Amber alert went out, posters were swiftly printed and a hotline set up. A handful of sightings went nowhere.
The couple became the subject of intense scrutiny. Deborah initially stated she had checked on baby Lisa around 10.40pm.
Later she wasn’t so certain that she had checked on the infant who was recovering from a cold and fever, after putting her down earlier than usual close to 6.30pm.
Electrician Jeremy was working a night shift. He came home around 4am to a house in some disarray, several lights were on, the front door was unlocked and with a cold sense of foreboding he checked on Lisa to discover she was gone.
In the weeks that followed young mother Deborah was forced to admit to having fallen asleep drunk.
Local news reported that the couple were not co-operating with law enforcement and had refused to be interviewed separately. Today Deborah and Jeremy are adamant that simply is not true.
Jeremy said: ‘I think we had only one interview together, the rest we did separately.’
Deborah Bradley wipes away a tear as she and partner Jeremy talk about their infant daughter who was abducted from their home two years ago
Deborah Bradley wipes away a tear as she and partner Jeremy talk about their infant daughter who was abducted from their home two years ago

Deborah added: ‘I have spoken to law enforcement officials many times without an attorney present.
‘At the time of course it was heartbreaking to know that people thought we could harm our baby. But at the same time our focus has always been on Lisa and we know the truth.
‘We will keep on going until she comes home and in the grand scheme of things nothing else matters. The bigger picture is just bringing her home.’
Posters of Lisa are tacked to the front of the family’s clapboard home. Fading kidnap appeal posters are strapped to neighbors’ trees with yellow ribbon. A banner on the Irwin’s home reads: ‘This house needs Lisa to make it home again. Help bring Lisa home.’
A little pebble, bearing the word ‘Hope’ sits at the door.
Speaking softly, Jeremy said: 'Is it heartbreaking and depressing every single time you see it? Absolutely. But it’s not going anywhere soon until she comes home.'
As a couple, Deborah and Jeremy try to maintain as much stability as possible for sons, Blake, ten, and Michael, seven. Blake is Jeremy’s son from a previous relationship and Michael is Deborah’s from her first marriage. Lisa is their only child together, ‘the bond that ties us,’ as Deborah put it.
Deborah Bradley breaks down as she talks about her daughter Lisa who has been missing for two years. The family have been once again given hope that Lisa may still be alive but face an agonizing wait for DNA testing to be completed
Deborah Bradley breaks down as she talks about her daughter Lisa who has been missing for two years. The family have been once again given hope that Lisa may still be alive but face an agonizing wait for DNA testing to be completed

Jeremy (pictured) and his partner Deborah try to maintain stability for their sons Blake, 10, and seven-year-old Michael
Jeremy (pictured) and Deborah try to maintain stability for their sons Blake, 10, and seven-year-old Michael

They named her after Deborah's mother who died when Deborah was just 15.
At weekends and on holidays Lisa’s older brothers help hand out fliers and buttons and bracelets. Sometimes, Deborah admitted, it is their strength that gives her the will to carry on.
She clutches Lisa’s favorite Barney toy in bed each night.
She said:‘Sometimes even though it’s been two years since she was kidnapped, sometimes you wake up and it hits you all over again.
‘You have these moments when you just can’t believe that somebody stole your baby.’
Deborah’s one consolation is her belief that whoever took Lisa did not do so with the intention of harming her. ‘Nobody takes a baby to hurt them,’ she said.
Pictures of Lisa are everywhere in the house – on the walls and surfaces of each room. She is there as a newborn looked over lovingly by her brothers, there in Blake’s arms shortly before she was abducted. But where Blake and Michael’s pictures show the rapid changes of boyhood, Lisa is always a baby.
The only picture of her as she may be now is the National Center for Missing Children’s age progression artists’ impression.
Deborah has had it framed and put it on display along with the other family portraits.
She explained: ‘I like looking at it. When I first opened it up I had not a doubt that that’s my Lisa. I know it’s not a real photo, I wish it was. It was extremely overwhelming to look at it.
‘I didn’t want to stop touching it. It was like touching her. I look at it and I think that’s my daughter, that’s my Lisa.’
She is in a permanent state of desperate readiness for her daughter’s return.
Lisa’s small bedroom is cluttered with presents and cards and toys and clothes amassed in the time since she was last in it.
A poster and yellow ribbons are displayed on a neighbor's tree two doors away from the home where Lisa Irwin was abducted more than two years ago
A poster and yellow ribbons are displayed on a neighbor's tree two doors away from the home where Lisa Irwin was abducted more than two years ago
A poster and yellow ribbons are displayed on a neighbor's tree two doors away from the home where Lisa Irwin was abducted more than two years ago. Right, a poster on a lamp post opposite the family home
Jeremy and Deborah have decorated their home with pictures of Baby Lisa as they hope someone can provide new information on what happened to the child
Jeremy and Deborah have decorated their home with pictures of Baby Lisa as they hope someone can provide new information on what happened to the child

Everything is pink. Jeremy has made a dressing table with drawers for costumes she has never worn and jewelry she has never tangled or gazed on.
Deborah buys her the clothes that might fit her now. Baby clothes have been discarded, toddler garments set aside unworn. Now little dresses that might fit a girl of three hang on the side of the crib she will by now have outgrown.
The presents from her first and second birthday sit wrapped in Hello Kitty paper, untroubled by excited infant fingers.
'We want her to know, when she comes home, that we never once excluded her. We never forgot her,' Deborah explained.
Lisa's mother Deborah Bradley wears a wristband for her daughter and another missing girl Kara Kopetsky from Belton, Missouri who was abducted in May 2007
Lisa's mother Deborah Bradley wears a wristband for her daughter and another missing girl Kara Kopetsky from Belton, Missouri who was abducted in May 2007

Last year Deborah had a tattoo inked onto her forearm: a yellow ribbon with the date of Lisa’s abduction on one end and a blank space for the date of her homecoming on the other.
When she comes home Deborah will have it filled in pink – yellow is for those who are missing.
‘If Lisa likes it,’ she added. ‘If she doesn’t like it I’ll have it removed.’
It troubles Deborah that she does not know what her daughter likes. She doesn’t know what she is being fed. She doesn’t know if she still loves bananas and macaroni cheese and spaghetti.
She doesn’t know if, like Maria, she speaks no English.
She admitted: ‘That really worried me at first. I thought when my daughter comes home I won’t be able to tell her how much we’ve missed her, how much we love her, how much we have looked for her.
‘But then I thought I will have her in my arms and everything else we’ll work out.’
Tears are never far from Deborah’s eyes. They come unbidden and unexpectedly she admitted: 'You never know when a crying spell is going to break out.  Sometimes it happens when I’m picking up the kids. Sometimes it happens when I go the grocery store. You never know.'
Because the absence always presses.
They nearly lost Lisa in the moment of her birth, at Center Point Hospital, Independence, Missouri, Deborah recalled. What began as a natural birth lurched to an emergency C-section as Lisa’s heartbeat suddenly dropped.
The umbilical cord was wrapped round her throat.
She said: ‘That was the scariest moment of my life. Until the day she was kidnapped -then I realized I’d never really been afraid in my life.’
Eleftheria Dimopoulou, 40, with husband Christos Salis and little Maria. The Roma couple are under arrest in Greece over the alleged abduction of Maria, who was discovered by police at a Roma camp in Farsala, Greece
Eleftheria Dimopoulou, 40, with husband Christos Salis and little Maria. The Roma couple are under arrest in Greece over the alleged abduction of Maria, who was discovered by police at a Roma camp in Farsala, Greece

Today both Deborah and Jeremy find strength in their faith. Each week friends and neighbors join them in their home to pray for Lisa and other missing children.
This cause, so bitingly personal, has become a broader one for them both. Since Lisa’s kidnapping they have become members of a club no-one would ever wish entrance to, as parents of missing children. It has opened their eyes to a world that they never knew existed.
Deborah said: ‘I will not have Lisa’s kidnap be in vain. Even after she is back our aim is to keep campaigning and raising awareness of human trafficking.
‘It’s something that I’ve noticed with Maria’s story that the subject is being talked about and it must be. This isn’t the movies - it’s happening. It happens to everyday average people like us.’
Casting an eye over her daughter’s bedroom, Deborah said: ‘Right now everything is overwhelming and we just have to be patient.
‘Even if it turns out not to be Lisa, we’re glad that they found Maria so she can go home to her parents. Even if it’s not us.’

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