Saturday, October 19, 2013

A topless male model, fruit cake drenched in booze... and a poignant tribute to Diana: An A-Z guide to Prince George's christening next week


By Catherine Ostler

The baby who will one day be king is being christened next Wednesday. Here, we present an alphabetical run-through as the big day approaches...

Bonny Prince George in Kate's arms: The son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be christened next Wednesday
Bonny Prince George in Kate's arms: The son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be christened next Wednesday
A is for AUNTS: William’s aunts, that is, who are off the guest list. In Princess Anne’s case, no wonder: when asked about Prince George’s birth she said: ‘It’s got nothing to do with me.’ Sophie Wessex will be busy in the West Country. And after her snub at the vast wedding, poor old Fergie was never going to make it on Wednesday.

B is for BOYD, FERGUS: William’s friend from Eton and housemate at St Andrews University, and a potential godfather. He was the recipient of William’s immortal exclamation at that student fashion show, the words that eventually spawned a king: ‘Wow, Kate’s hot.’ Now he’s a financier. It’s about time he got a reward: for part of that same show he was modelling himself, topless.
C is for CHAPEL ROYAL. The Tudor chapel at St James’s Palace, where Prince George’s christening will take place, has a ceiling painted by Hans Holbein to celebrate the ill-fated match between Henry VIII and the ‘Flanders mare’, Anne of Cleves. It’s also where Queen Victoria married Prince Albert. Talk that it is too small to invite all the great-aunts and great-uncles is disingenuous; Princess Beatrice, the last member of the Royal Family to be christened here in 1988, had 100 guests at hers.

D is for DIANA. Her coffin was laid here before her funeral so her friends and family, including a 15-year-old William, could pay their respects. That he has chosen to christen his son here is undoubtedly his way of including Diana in the ceremony.

Boyd Fergus was the recipient of William's immortal exclamation at a student fashion show, the words that eventually spawned a king: 'Wow, Kate's hot.' Diana's coffin was laid in the St James's Palace chapel before her funeral so her friends and family, including a 15-year-old William, could pay their respects

Fergus Boyd was the recipient of William's immortal exclamation at a student fashion show, the words that eventually spawned a king: 'Wow, Kate's hot.' Pictured, left, Kate and Fergus model at that show. Diana's coffin was laid in the St James's Palace chapel before her funeral so her friends and family, including a 15-year-old William, could pay their respects. George will be christened in the same chapel

The top layer of Leicestershire baker Fiona Cairns's booze-laden, iced white and cream wedding cake, has been defrosted for the christening tea
The top layer of Leicestershire baker Fiona Cairns's booze-laden, iced white and cream wedding cake, has been defrosted for the christening tea
E is for EMILIA D'ERLANGER. An old chum of William and a Marlborough friend of Kate’s,  Emilia is tipped as another potential godparent. Now married to David Jardine-Paterson, brother of a Pippa ex, she is an interior decorator, informally advising Kate on decorating Apartment 1a, Kensington Palace, the royal couple’s new official residence.

F is for FRUITCAKE. No, not one of the odder royals, but the top layer of Leicestershire baker Fiona Cairns’s booze-laden, iced white and cream wedding cake, which has been defrosted for the christening tea. It featured lily of the valley and a sprig of white heather, which in the language of flowers symbolise ‘sweetness, humility’ and ‘protection, wishes will come true’.

G is for GOWN. This is a replica of the lace and satin royal christening robe made for Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter in 1841 from the same fabric as her wedding dress. It was worn by more than 60 royal babies until it almost fell apart and HM’s dressmaker, Liverpudlian Angela Kelly, made a copy.

H is for HUGH VAN CUTSEM: The second of those four handsome Van Cutsem boys, sons of Prince Charles’s late Cambridge University friend, also Hugh. Rumoured to be godfather despite being a Roman Catholic, he runs an investment company and is a darned good shot. William is godfather to the eldest of his three children, Grace, a cherubic flower-girl at the royal wedding. Wife Rose, nee Astor, helped launch Maggie & Rose, an exclusive ‘private members club’ for mums and babies. H is also for HEART. Queen (‘Bloody’) Mary’s heart — and bowels — are reputedly buried under the chancel step in the Chapel Royal, although the rest of her is in Westminster Abbey.

I is for INVITED. Apparently only the closest Windsors, the Middletons, the godparents and their families have made the cut. So, also for INTIMATE, as a Royal source described the ceremony.

Happy family: Kate, William and Baby George
Happy family: Kate, William and Baby George are less than a week away from the christening

Emilia d'Erlanger, an old chum of William and a Marlborough friend of Kate's, is tipped as another potential godparent Hugh Van Kutsem is rumoured to be godfather despite being a Roman Catholic (pictured with his wife, Rose)

Emilia d'Erlanger (left), an old chum of William and a Marlborough friend of Kate's, is tipped as a potential godparent. And Hugh Van Kutsem is rumoured to be godfather despite being a Roman Catholic (pictured right with his wife, Rose)

J is for JORDAN. The river, not the glamour model. Royal babies are christened in its waters, a tradition that dates back to King Richard I and is based on Christ’s immersion in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. Those in the know say that the only way to do this is to stick a bottle in the river and then filter it.

K is for FUTURE KING. There will be three of them present, so George has a long wait ahead of him (see P).
L is for LILY FONT. this is the spectacularly elaborate silver gilt font commissioned by Queen Victoria and decorated with water lilies, a symbol of purity, and chubby harp-playing putti (cherubs). When not wheeled out for royal christenings, it rests under armed guard, behind 2in-thick glass, in the Jewel House at the Tower of London. It appears on Prince George’s christening coin, too (see R).

As ever, this will be as much a Middleton event as a Windsor one
As ever, this will be as much a Middleton event as a Windsor one. We can expect a smart mother Carole, a dignified father Michael, a foxy Pippa (above) and her entrepreneur brother James

M is for MIDDLETONS. As ever, this will be as much a Middleton event as a Windsor one. We can expect a smart mother Carole, a dignified father Michael, a foxy Pippa, probably without banker boyfriend Nico Jackson and his red trousers, and her entrepreneur brother James, disappointingly almost certainly not with his Geordie TV presenter girlfriend, Donna Air. And M is also for McQUEEN; the fashion label’s Sarah Burton, who designed the wedding dress, is the most likely choice to make Kate’s christening outfit.

N is for THE NAME. The baby will be christened George Alexander Louis. He will eventually be the seventh King George, and is presumably named after the Queen’s beloved father, George VI, who steered Britain through World War II. Alexander is possibly a nod to Scotland and Louis is after Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip’s uncle (and is one of William’s names).

O is for ORGANIST. This is currently Dr Andre Gant, who is also the Chapel Royal’s choirmaster in charge of a 16-strong choir comprising six men and ten choirboys from City of London School. The Chapel Royal has an illustrious musical history, and is known as the ‘cradle of English church music’. Gant’s predecessors include Thomas Tallis, William Byrd, Orlando Gibbons and Henry Purcell. The best known Chapel Royal organist was Handel, appointed by George II, who wrote Zadok The Priest, played at every coronation since.

P is for PHOTO OPPORTUNITY. After the ceremony, photographs will be taken at Buckingham Palace of Prince George with Prince William, Prince Charles and the Queen. It will be the first time a reigning monarch has been photographed with three heirs  since Queen Victoria, who was pictured with the future Edward VII, George V and Edward VIII, later Duke of Windsor, at his christening in 1894.

Q is for QUEEN. The ever-hardworking Monarch is hosting a reception of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust in the evening at Buckingham Palace, and has meetings in the morning, hence the timing of the ceremony at 3pm. She has, apparently, given her blessing to the scale of the ceremony. A Sovereign no longer intervenes in choice of name or godparents, as was once the case. We can expect beaming sovereign smiles and why not? After all, she’s now presided over a wedding, a Diamond Jubilee and, to top it all, a royal christening in fairly short succession.

The Royal Mint has made a set of pricey collectible coins to commemorate the event
The Royal Mint has made a set of pricey collectible coins to commemorate the event

R is for ROYAL MINT. The mint has made a set of pricey collectible coins to commemorate the event. There are £5 coins priced at £13 and other silver and gold examples that will sell for as much as £50,000. The latter are the size of a saucer and contain a kilo of gold. Babies born on the same day as Prince George have been sent a special coin already, a step up in the glamour stakes over those born on the same day as Prince Charles in 1948 — who received a few rashers of bacon and a packet of margarine each.

S is for SHAWL. The newborn Prince left hospital in a £45 merino wool shawl from GH Hurt & Son in Nottingham — the same company that made them for Prince William and Prince Charles — and may well reappear in it, or similar, for his christening. S is also for SHORTLIST: godparents. If there are six, other frontrunners apart from the aforementioned include school friends Thomas Van Straubenzee and James Meade, St Andrews housemates Alasdair Coutts-Wood and Oli Baker, and Marlborough girl Alicia Fox-Pitt. And, finally, S is for SATAN: which some of these names will have to publicly renounce in order to assume their duties. In front of three future and one reigning monarch, the Archbishop of Canterbury — and Carole Middleton — they had better mean it.

T is for TEAM CAMBRIDGE. The tight-knit emerging court who run the Cambridges’ lives will work to ensure everything runs smoothly and the guest list remains control-freakishly secret until the last minute. (The secrecy obsession is pure William and Kate — his own godfathers were announced weeks before, as were the designers of Diana’s wedding dress). Team Cambridge’s charmers include Kate’s right-hand woman Rebecca Deacon, who is dating their assistant press secretary, Nick Loughran; press secretary Ed Perkins; former Private Secretary, ex-SAS officer Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, now around for advice one day a week, and another godfather contender; and whip-smart Miguel Head, his successor.

Marlborough girl Alicia Fox-Pitt is in the running to be one of George's godparents
Marlborough girl Alicia Fox-Pitt is in the running to be one of George's godparents

U is for UNINVITED. This is easier than the invited list. From those missing aunts (see A) we can surely deduce that Andrew and Edward weren’t invited either. Uncle Gary Goldsmith ‘hadn’t heard whether he was going or not’ according to his agent. As for Earl Spencer and his family, he’s not saying, so we will have to wait and see. Unlikely, though.

V is for VICTORIA. With nine children, Queen Victoria still holds the high water mark for christenings, as she does with most royal traditions. Her most elaborate was for the future Edward VII, her son and heir, in 1842. She spent a fortune on an event of ‘unprecedented grandeur’ including a banquet, a christening cake over 4ft tall, fireworks and other entertainment. Her Majesty wore state jewels, the women wore evening dresses and tiaras, and the men wore uniforms and decorations. Marvellous.

W is for WALES, CAPTAIN. Otherwise known as Prince Harry, and one of the most important men in Prince George’s life, godfather or not. He has threatened to ‘make sure he has fun’, in which case Kate had better start panicking. Those hoping for a reprisal of the Pippa/Harry wedding flirtation are going to be disappointed, because he’s all about blonde dancer Cressida Bonas now, and Pippa, Nico Jackson.

X is for EXECUTION. Well, sort of — this is the execution of Charles I at Whitehall, 1649. The vanquished King received the sacrament of Holy Communion in the gatehouse adjoining the Chapel Royal at the end of the civil war before he shuffled off to meet his maker on the scaffold. Best not to dwell on that, perhaps.

Y is for YORK PRINCESSES. Princess Beatrice was the last royal baby to be christened at the Chapel Royal and William was in attendance with his mother. But it seems no Yorks are coming on Wednesday. Princess Eugenie has just started working at an auction house in New York anyway, so she probably wouldn’t come if they begged her to.

Z is for ZARA PHILLIPS. She is the most likely royal godmother as both William and Kate admire the way she has built a career within the royal fold, winning an Olympic medal and so on. Of all his cousins, she is probably William’s favourite, and they are closest in age. Their babies will be months apart. But with so many Sloaney friends to choose from, that’s unlikely to be enough to bag Zara the much-coveted role.

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