Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Marathon slaughter

— Boston Marathon 'attacked by terrorists'

— At least 3 dead and over 150 injured by twin bombs

— Boy, 8, among the confirmed dead

— 'Dozens' have legs and ankles missing

— Ball bearings and shrapnel removed from victims

— Boston cops: 'No suspect in custody yet'

Cloud of fire and smoke at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Inset: Martin Richard

AN eight-year-old boy waiting at the finish line to give his father a hug was among three people killed and more than 150 injured when two explosions rocked the Boston Marathon.

Tragic Martin Richard was standing with his mother and six-year-old sister, who both suffered horrific injuries, when bombs hidden in rubbish bins exploded within seconds of each other.
The lad may very nearly have cheated death after he walked out to embrace his father Bill Richard at the finishing line, according to local reports.
But Martin, from Boston’s Dorchester suburb, then returned to his mum – at which point the first bomb went off.
His mother is in hospital after undergoing brain surgery and his sister had a leg blown off. His older brother is said to be uninjured.
A man in a bomb-disposal suit investigates the site of the explosion
Eerie ... a man in a bomb-disposal suit investigates the site of the explosion
Boston Marathon terror attack
Caught on film ... orange flash of first explosion
Friends held a vigil last night at local Tavolo Restaurant for Martin and his mother and sister, who suffered “grievous” injuries.
America is today on terror alert after the twin bombing attack.
Boston police closed off the city as a “danger zone” as witnesses described the “unspeakable horror” of body parts flying through the air and shoes that “still had flesh in them”.
The blasts at 2.50pm local time — flashes of burning orange followed by acrid smoke that billowed for 50ft — were captured in TV footage that chilled America. Two more devices were discovered and made safe by police experts.
Ambulances and fire engines swarmed into Boston’s Copley Square along with armed cops to find the pavements drenched with blood and people lying in agony.
Some victims needed to have limbs amputated following the atrocity — six days before the London Marathon.Boston Marathon bomb victim
In shock ... woman sits injured on blood-spattered pavement
Runners approach the bomb blast
Terror ... runners approach the bomb blast
Last night, around 20 police, federal officials and bomb squad members searched the apartment of a “person of interest” after witnessing an erratic driver circling past the State Police barracks a number of times.
The man was pulled over and displayed a “nervous demeanour”, according to a reported source.
The driver then led police and FBI to a home in the area of Ocean Avenue and Beach Street, which was then descended upon by Boston Police K-9 units, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as well as Homeland Security investigations.
There remains a large police presence at the home in the Revere area of Boston. Sources said it is related to the bombings.
Boston cops took several empty brown paper bags – normally used to store evidence – into the building and left with them full afterwards.
Police immediately after Boston Marathon bomb
Under attack ... armed cops hit the streets as dazed runner lies in the road
A swat team arrives at the corner of Stuart Street in Boston
Swoop ... a swat team arrives at the corner of Stuart Street in Boston
Last night cops were probing links to gun fanatics furious at curbs following December’s Sandy Hook school massacre. The marathon had been dedicated to the 26 shot dead.
It was claimed that police had surveillance video of someone bringing a number of backpacks to the area.
Investigators warned police to be on the lookout for a "darker-skinned or black male" with a possible foreign accent in connection with the attack.
The man was seen with a black backpack and sweatshirt and was trying to get into a restricted area about five minutes before the first explosion.
It was the first successful attack on US soil since 9/11. A White House official said the explosions were “clearly an act of terror”.
President Barack Obama said those responsible will “feel the full weight of justice”.
He added: “The Boston people will say a prayer for Boston tonight. We don’t know who did this or why.
“But make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this.”
President Obama reacts to Boston bombing
Alert ... President Obama last night
A ring of steel was thrown around the White House and anti-terror cops in New York were deployed to landmarks.
Half a million had lined the marathon route in Boston, Massachusetts — with the biggest crowds at the finish where men, women and screaming children were left dazed and bloodied.
Around 25,000 ran in the event, including 374 Brits, on the Patriots’ Day public holiday event.
More than 130 blast victims were being treated in seven of the city’s hospitals. At least 15 were said to be in critical condition. One hospital official described the injuries as like those “from a war zone”.
Boston Children’s Hospital received eight patients injured at the explosion, including a 2 year-old-boy with a head injury, a 9-year-old girl with leg trauma who was sent to the operating room and a 12-year-old boy with a femur fracture. The condition of these children currently is not known.
Boston Marathon bombing
The FBI said it was leading a “potential terrorism investigation” by the city’s joint terrorism taskforce into the twin explosions.
PM David Cameron said: “The scenes from Boston are shocking and horrific — my thoughts are with all those who have been affected.”
British police said they were reviewing security for Sunday’s London Marathon.
Last night chief executive Nick Bitel confirmed that the race would still go ahead, saying: “We will not be cancelling the event.”
Onlooker John Ross said: “I gave my belt to stop the blood.”
Boston Marathon second explosion
Terror ... a second blast further back hits scattered runners
Blood and debris after the explosions
Carnage ... blood and debris after the explosions
Nightmare scenes were described by local TV girl Jacqueline Bruno — as cops discovered at least two MORE suspected devices in the shattered city, detonating one with a controlled explosion.
She said as the US went into nationwide terrorist lockdown: “I saw people’s legs blown off.
“Runners were coming in and saw unspeakable horror.”
A third blast was feared to have taken place at the city’s John F Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum — but cops later believed a fire there was just a bizarre coincidence.
Brit Abi Griffiths finished just ten minutes before the horror. The runner said: “It’s scary times here — the sounds of police sirens are echoing everywhere in Boston.
“It was while I was getting my bag that I heard it go off. The ground shook.”

Officers exit an apartment complex at 364 Ocean Avenue with a possible connection to the bombings
Probe ... officers exit an apartment complex at 364 Ocean Avenue with a possible connection to the bombings
More cops at 364 Ocean Avenue in Revere, Boston
Evidence ... more cops at 364 Ocean Avenue in Revere, Boston
Darren — in Boston with his wife Sandra and their two children — said: “It’s all shocking.”
Canadian Mike Mitchell, from Vancouver, had just crossed the line when he looked back and saw a “massive explosion”. He described people running and screaming — saying: “Everybody freaked out.”
Video showed a fireball from one of the blasts rising from behind spectators and a row of flags.
Witness David Abel said: “I saw the most horrific thing anyone can see — people with their limbs mangled, their eyes vacant.”
A man with trouser ripped to shreds by the bomb blasts
Escape ... a man with trouser ripped to shreds by the bomb blasts
The Boston Marathon is run on the third Monday of April — Patriots’ Day, a public holiday marking the first battles of the American War of Independence.
It fuelled fears the outrage may have been the work of al-Qaeda.
But cops were also probing links to gun fanatics furious at curbs following December’s Sandy Hook school massacre. The marathon had been dedicated to the 26 shot dead. Families of victims were in a VIP area right next to where the bombs went off.
Public transport into central Boston was shut down and a no-fly zone imposed as an emergency medical tent was set up.
A woman prays at the bomb site
Desperate ... a woman prays at the bomb site
Authorities also closed down phone networks across the city in case more bombs might be detonated remotely.
Marathon runners flocked to hospitals to donate blood as medics carried out at least ten amputations.
Both bombs were small and initial tests showed no high-grade explosive material, suggesting they were crude devices.
ARE you in Boston and witness the explosion? Call the newsdesk on 020 7782 4100 or email exclusive@the-sun.co.uk

Terror in America

THE Boston bombing was the first terrorist atrocity on US soil in 12 years:
September 11, 2001: Al-Qaeda hijackers crash jets into World Trade Center and Pentagon killing almost 3,000 people.
July 27, 1996: Bomb at Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia, kills two and injures 111.
April 19, 1995: Oklahoma City truck bombing kills 168 and injures nearly 700.

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