Monday, December 1, 2014

EXCLUSIVE: Anni Dewani's parents reveal they will SUE her husband over their daughter's murder even if he is cleared - because he lied about gay sex with prostitutes and his bisexual past

  • .Vinod and Nilam Hindocha say they will pursue civil action in London
  • .Claim Dewani misled Anni by not revealing bisexuality before they married
  • .Also seeking compensation for money spent on lavish £200,000 wedding 
  • .Mr and Mrs Hindocha say they had no idea Dewani was bisexual before details of secret sex life emerged at his Cape Town murder trial
Speaking for the first time since the trial began, Vinod and Nilam Hindocha said they intend to pursue the civil action in London whatever the result, but stressed it was not financially motivated.
It is, however, likely to include them seeking compensation for the couple's lavish £200,000 wedding, which Mr Hindocha branded 'a drama and false' and said he had largely paid for.
In an exclusive video for MailOnline, Mr and Mrs Hindocha revealed they had been totally unaware that Dewani, 34, was bisexual and slept with gay prostitutes until details of his secret sex life were revealed to a Cape Town court on the first day of his ongoing murder trial.
It is the first time the couple, who live in Sweden, have spoken of Dewani's sexuality or disclosed their intentions for after the trial in the event that it collapses next Monday, as experts predict.
Intention: The parents of murdered honeymoon bride Anni Dewani, Vinod and Nilam Hindocha, say they will sue their accused son-in-law Shrien Dewani for not disclosing his bisexuality before marrying their daughter
Intention: The parents of murdered honeymoon bride Anni Dewani, Vinod and Nilam Hindocha, say they will sue their accused son-in-law Shrien Dewani for not disclosing his bisexuality before marrying their daughter
Accused: Shrien Dewani (left) is charged with five counts relating to the kidnapping and murder of his wife of two weeks, Anni, (right) in a carjacking during their honeymoon to Cape Town in November 2010
Accused: Shrien Dewani (left) is charged with five counts relating to the kidnapping and murder of his wife of two weeks, Anni, (right) in a carjacking during their honeymoon to Cape Town in November 2010
Mr and Mrs Hindocha said they were being forced to break their two month silence after Shrien Dewani asked a court in Cape Town to dismiss the murder charge against him.
The millionaire businessman is said to have already packed his bags in the expectation that a judge will find in his favour over his claim that he should walk free because of a lack of evidence without being forced into the witness box and cross-examination.
The trial is currently adjourned until December 8 to give Judge Jeanette Traverso time to decide whether to continue the trial or allow Dewani to walk free without having to take the witness stand.
Anni's parents also disclosed that they are set to take legal action in London against Dewani for marrying Anni under 'false' circumstances and for the money they spent on their Mumbai wedding.
'The wedding was a drama and false. I am going to sue him for that,' Mr Hindocha said.
He added that the purpose of a civil action against his son-in-law was 'not for money but for the loss of my daughter who left this world for nothing.'
The options for legal action include suing Dewani for leading Anni into marriage without revealing his sexuality and demanding compensation for the money the Hindocha family paid towards the three day wedding.
Anni's father said he agreed to pay two thirds of the bill and will also ask for receipts from Mumbai to be disclosed to the court in London to prove how the money was spent.
The five star hotel in India has already provided evidence of some receipts and the Hindocha family have engaged a top London lawyer, who has a successful track record in winning compensation, to take up the legal action once criminal proceedings have concluded.
Unaware: Nilam Hindocha, who is recovering from stomach cancer, said: 'If I knew Shrien was gay or bisexual I would never have allowed Anni to get married'
Unaware: Nilam Hindocha, who is recovering from stomach cancer, said: 'If I knew Shrien was gay or bisexual I would never have allowed Anni to get married'
Back in court: Speaking for the first time since the trial began, Vinod  Hindocha (pictured) said he intends to pursue the civil action against Dewani in London, but stressed it was not financially motivated
Back in court: Speaking for the first time since the trial began, Vinod Hindocha (pictured) said he intends to pursue the civil action against Dewani in London, but stressed it was not financially motivated
Mrs Hindocha, who is recovering from stomach cancer, said: 'If I knew Shrien was gay or bisexual I would never have allowed Anni to get married.
'It was a false wedding because of who he really was... Anni would never have married Shrien if she knew the truth that he was bisexual or gay. She would never have accepted it.
'We never had any idea that he was or had been sleeping with gay prostitutes.
'I would have cancelled the wedding and I am sure Anni would never have got married to him if she had known the truth about him... I feel he has been dishonest over his sexuality. He has lied to us and he cheated on her with other men.'
The grief-stricken parents said they did not want to appear homophobic and believed sexuality shouldn't be used to define people, but were shocked when Dewani confessed to his secret life.
Version: Anni's parents said they will struggle to find closure if they do not hear Shien Dewani (pictured earlier in the trial) giving evidence in court
Version: Anni's parents said they will struggle to find closure if they do not hear Shien Dewani (pictured earlier in the trial) giving evidence in court
Mrs Hindocha said none of the rest of the large Hindocha family who live in London, Brighton, Essex, the Midlands and Sweden, were aware of Dewani's true sexuality until he confessed to paying men for sex on the first day of the trial.
He confirmed he had hired a London prostitute, who went under the name The German Master, for gay liasons.
The newly-weds had overcame sexual problems in the months preceding the wedding which took place in Mumbai over three days in October 2010.
Dewani told Anni he had fertility problems and the trial has heard how he went to Thailand for kick-boxing to help boost his testosterone levels.
The couple split at least twice with Anni, on one occasion, throwing the engagement ring at him and calling him 'Hitler'. 
Anni's father said Dewani had told her he did not believe in sex before marriage, but her parents are now questioning whether his sexuality might have been the reason.
Anni's parents are concerned that if Dewani is allowed to leave South Africa without personally accounting for what happened on the night of her murder, they will never achieve closure.
Judge Traverso, the most senior female judge in the Western Cape province, has said she will decide on December 8 whether to accept or reject Dewani's claim that the charge against him should be struck off due to a lack of prosecution evidence.
Mrs Hindocha said: 'Shrien must give evidence. He owes us that, particularly to Anni...We need the full story, not half the story.
'We have waited four years and were promised the whole story. But we have only got half of it...I want to know the truth and we have waited for Shrien to give us the answers we have been asking for. I want him to tell us the truth, the whole story.
'Sometimes we feel very depressed over the court case but we hope to get the truth.. 'If she [the judge] ends the trial we will never know the truth from Shrien. We have waited so long for that and to hear from him.
'We have been fighting for justice. But we will be very disappointed if we don't hear from Shrien's mouth and he doesn't tell the truth.'
Support: Ani's sister Ami Denborg (right) also said she wants the South African trial judge to ensure that Shrien Dewani explains his side of the story on how his wife Anni (left) was killed in November 2010
Support: Ani's sister Ami Denborg (right) also said she wants the South African trial judge to ensure that Shrien Dewani explains his side of the story on how his wife Anni (left) was killed in November 2010
Trouble: Shrien Dewani (right) told Anni (left) he had fertility problems. The Cape Town murder trial has since heard how he went to Thailand for kick-boxing to help boost his testosterone levels
Trouble: Shrien Dewani (right) told Anni (left) he had fertility problems. The Cape Town murder trial has since heard how he went to Thailand for kick-boxing to help boost his testosterone levels
Asked what it was like sitting in the Cape Town court day after day, she said: 'It is a torture for us. And we have sleepless nights, we can't sleep.
'We get up in the night just thinking of Anni. I hope we get the answers and the trial continues.
'As a mother I think Shrien must give evidence. Any mother would demand the same. It has been absolute torture all the way.'
Three men, taxi driver Zola Tongo, gunman Xolile Mngeni and his accomplice Mzwamadoda Qwabe were all found guilty of killing Anni and given life sentences. 
Mngeni died from a brain tumour last month.
The court has been told that Dewani bankrolled the staged hit on the taxi they were travelling in through Gugulethu township in November 2010. Dewani and Tongo were allowed out of the vehicle, but Anni was killed by a single bullet through the neck.
Police say Dewani masterminded the murder, but he denies the charge accusing the three killers of concocting a yarn to reduce their own prison terms of at least 25 years.
His legal team say the number of inaccuracies and lies in their statements should allow him to walk free.
But two key prosecution witnesses, 'The German Master' Leopold Leisser and a senior Scotland Yard officer, were banned by the judge from revealing details of Dewani's secret sex life after they had entered the witness box. 
In the dark: Mr and Mrs Hindocha (pictured in Cape Town last week) revealed they were totally unaware that Dewani was bisexual and slept with gay prostitutes until details of his secret sex life were emerged in court
In the dark: Mr and Mrs Hindocha (pictured in Cape Town last week) revealed they were totally unaware that Dewani was bisexual and slept with gay prostitutes until details of his secret sex life were emerged in court
Claims: Police say Dewani (striped shirt) masterminded the murder of Anni (right), but he denies the charge accusing the three killers of concocting a yarn to reduce their own prison terms of at least 25 years
Claims: Police say Dewani (striped shirt) masterminded the murder of Anni (right), but he denies the charge accusing the three killers of concocting a yarn to reduce their own prison terms of at least 25 years
Dewani, who previously denied meeting Leisser, admitted the liasons on the first day of the trial. He also confessed that he had a paid membership of gay website Gaydar and fetish website Recon.
Court documents showed Dewani was signed into Recon the day before Anni was killed and two days after she died, staying logged on for several hours.
The details of the sexual activities in his three meetings with Leisser were also disclosed in court documents, but these were not relayed to the trial.
Mr Hindocha said: 'We found out on the first day [of the trial] that he was gay or bisexual and I want to know how he kept it secret from us for three-and-a-half years.
'The only thing we have found out on day one is his admission that he is bisexual and that came as a shock... That man never told us he was bisexual and that he slept with male prostitutes.'
'Which father in the world, including me, would allow their daughter to marry a person who sleeps with men? I don't think anybody would.
Mr Hindocha said that had Anni known about Dewani's sexuality she would have 'laughed at him and just walked away'.
Shrien Dewani told the Cape Town court that he had hired a London prostitute, who went under the name The German Master (pictured), for sexual liaisons
Shrien Dewani told the Cape Town court that he had hired a London prostitute, who went under the name The German Master (pictured), for sexual liaisons
'Now we have the truth and that he has literally deceived the whole family. He should have opened his heart and told us "I love your daughter, I'm bisexual..will you accept me?".'
'I would have said "you take your way and I will take my way. It was nice meeting you".'
'The whole wedding was a drama and was false.
'I am going to sue him for that. Not just for the money, but for the loss of my daughter. Anni left this world just for nothing.
'He should stand there as a man on the stand and tell us the full story. He started by telling us he is a bisexual. Now he should go on, carry on, (and tell us) what happened next.
'My message to Shrien Dewani is please give us the answers.
'For the past eight weeks it has been 'Shrien, Shrien, Shrien'…has anybody thought of Anni and the pain we are going through?
'No, no…nobody has done that.'
Mr Hindocha, 65, who has been in South Africa since the beginning of the trial with Anni's mother and brother Anish, added: 'We came from Sweden eight weeks ago today.
'Every day has been a torture for us, sitting there listening and looking at the evidence. And we are still literally waiting for Shrien to tell us the whole story.'
He said if the judge ended the case next Monday 'It would be a surprise for me'.
He added:' He has a case to answer. But that, of course, is up to the judge to decide.
'We need closure and I don't have anything against homosexuals, but it is the way he deceived our family... For Anni's sake, he must speak out, be a man and not a coward and say what really happened to Anni.'
Millionaire businessman Shrien Dewani (pictured arriving at court earlier in the trial) is said to have already packed his bags in the expectation that a judge will find in his favour over his claim that he should walk free because of a lack of evidence without being forced into the witness box and cross-examination 
Millionaire businessman Shrien Dewani (pictured arriving at court earlier in the trial) is said to have already packed his bags in the expectation that a judge will find in his favour over his claim that he should walk free because of a lack of evidence without being forced into the witness box and cross-examination 
Mr Hindocha said his family had decided on the eve of the trial not to speak publicly while the case was going on, but had been forced to act after Shrien's bid to halt the proceedings without offering his defence.
'We had said at the beginning that we would not say a word on the ongoing trial, but today me and my family get so many thousands of messages of sympathy from around the world, Sweden England, South Africa and even Taiwan and China.
'I feel we need to know the truth and the world is waiting for that. Getting closure is our only chance to survive so we can have peace of mind.
'In the court we have heard three witnesses and all of them have pointed the finger against Shrien and his involvement in a conspiracy. I would like to see Shrien go there [into the witness box] and say they are all wrong.
'Why are they saying that when he says he had nothing to do with it? He should go and say that those people are liars.'
He added: ' South Africa is crying for the whole story and the people of this country have spent a fortune over the last four years to being him to the court and successfully carried out his extradition.
'It has been a long wait not only for us, but those in this country who have seen it criticized as being a dangerous place to visit.
Preyen Dewani, the  brother of murder accused Shrien Dewani, leaves the Cape Town court earlier in the trial
Preyen Dewani, the brother of murder accused Shrien Dewani, leaves the Cape Town court earlier in the trial
Mr Hindocha said: 'If Shrien is allowed to leave South Africa without a full trial, then the country could have Anni's death on its conscience forever and that would be sad because many good people here have shared our loss.'
He confirmed that once the trial is over, legal action will begin against his son-in-law.
'The wedding was a drama and false. I am going to sue him for that.'
He said the purpose of a civil action against his son-in-law was 'not for money but for the loss of my daughter who left this world for nothing.'
The options for legal action include suing Shrien for leading Anni into marriage without revealing his sexuality and for compensation for the money the Hindocha family laid out on the three day £200,000 wedding.
Anni's father said he agreed to pay two thirds of the bill and will also ask for receipts from Mumbai to be disclosed to the court in London to prove how the money was spent.
The five star hotel in India has already provided evidence of some receipts and the Hindocha family have engaged a top London lawyer, who has a successful track record in winning compensation, to take up the legal action once criminal proceedings have concluded.

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