Friday, September 19, 2014

Now Cameron poses the ENGLISH question: As Scotland rejects independence, PM threatens to tear up the constitution by declaring it is now time for 'English votes for English laws'

  • .Prime Minister hails Scottish referendum result after 'No' win is declared
  • .Mr Cameron says the independence debate settled 'for a generation' 
  • .But he declared that it is now time for 'English votes for English laws' 
  • .He says 'millions of voices of England' need to be heard  
  • .PM tweeted Alistair Darling his congratulations in wake of vote
  • .MPs were furious at 11th hour 'devo max' offer to Scotland
  • .Tory backbenchers have called for a separate English parliament

David Cameron this morning pledged to introduce 'English votes for English laws' after Scotland rejected independence.
The Prime Minister said Scotland had had its say and it was now time to listen to the 'millions of voices of England'.
Speaking outside Downing Street he said it was 'crucial' to give England the same powers over tax, spending and welfare as Scotland, following his last minute pledge for further devolution to Holyrood during the campaign.
Mr Cameron said: 'I've long believed that a crucial part missing from this national discussion is England. We've heard the voice of Scotland, but now the millions of voices of England must also be heard. The question of English votes for English laws, the so-called West Lothian question, requires a decisive answer. 
'So just as Scotland will vote separately in the Scottish Parliament on their issues of tax, spending and welfare so too England as well as Wales and Northern Ireland should be able to vote on these issue - and all this must take place in tandem with and at the same pace the settlement for Scotland.' 
Scroll down for video and the Prime Minister's speech in full 
David Cameron said it was time for 'English votes for English laws' at the same time as handing more powers to Scotland
David Cameron said it was time for 'English votes for English laws' at the same time as handing more powers to Scotland
The Prime Minister this morning hailed the Scottish referendum, which he claimed had settled the independence debate 'for a generation'
The Prime Minister this morning hailed the Scottish referendum, which he claimed had settled the independence debate 'for a generation'
The Prime Minister said he hoped this would take place on a cross-party basis - with Labour support.
But the party's shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander said Mr Cameron's plan was a 'fairly knee-jerk reaction' driven by politics.
Labour leader Ed Miliband accepted that the country ‘needs to change’ and promised to ‘deliver on stronger powers for a stronger Scottish parliament’.
He added: 'We will also meet the desire for change across England across Wales, across the whole of the United Kingdom. Devolution is not just a good idea for Scotland and Wales it is a good idea for England and indeed for Northern Ireland.'
In a sign of Labour concern, backbencher Andy McDonald said: 'It's not about the Tories tightening their stranglehold on England, it's about releasing power to all of our regions.'
Mr Cameron was facing immediate pressure this morning over his 'vow' to hand new powers to Scotland in the event of a 'No' vote. Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond said the country 'will expect these to be honoured in rapid form'. 
The Prime Minister's promise of more devolution has sparked an angry reaction from Conservative backbenchers who claim it leaves England in an unfair position.
But Mr Salmond warned the Prime Minister, whatever happens, not to go back on his word for Scottish independence. 
The Scottish First Minister said: ‘The unionist parties made vows late in the campaign to devolve more powers to Scotland. Scotland will expect these to be honoured in rapid form.’
‘We have been promised a second reading of the Scotland bill by the 27th of March next year and not just the 1.6million of Scots who’ve voted for independence will demand that that timetable is followed but all Scots who participated in this referendum will demand that that timetable is followed.’  
The PM said: 'The question of English votes for English laws, the so-called West Lothian question, requires a decisive answer'
The PM said: 'The question of English votes for English laws, the so-called West Lothian question, requires a decisive answer'
But the PM said it was now time to listen to the voices of England, following his pledge to hand Scotland more powers
But the PM said it was now time to listen to the voices of England, following his pledge to hand Scotland more powers
Reacting to the vote, Nick Clegg this morning insisted Westminster would agree to hand over more powers. He said: ‘A vote against independence was clearly not a vote against change and we must now deliver on time and in full the radical package of newly devolved powers to Scotland.
‘At the same time, this referendum north of the border has led to a demand for constitutional reform across the United Kingdom as people south of the border also want more control and freedom in their own hands rather than power being hoarded in Westminster.
‘So this referendum marks not only a new chapter for Scotland within the UK but also a new chapter of constitutional renewal across the UK.’
The leader of the Better Together campaign, Alistair Darling, said it was time for further devolution.
He said: ‘The vote is over and the Scottish people have now delivered their verdict. We have taken a decision for progress and change for Scotland within the United Kingdom. Come on Scotland, let's get on with it together.’ 
Alex Salmond said he accepted that Scotland had rejected the chance to separate from the United Kingdom
Alex Salmond said he accepted that Scotland had rejected the chance to separate from the United Kingdom
David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg vowed to hand more powers to Scotland in the event of a 'No' vote
David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg vowed to hand more powers to Scotland in the event of a 'No' vote
William Hague said English votes for English laws was now a ‘fundamental issue’.
 It becomes inconceivable to continue to allow Scottish members to vote on everything that is happening in England when English members can’t vote on so much of what is happening in Scotland
Commons leader William Hague 
He said: ‘With further devolution to Scotland it becomes inconceivable to continue to allow Scottish members to vote on everything that is happening in England when as you know English members and indeed Scottish members can’t vote on so much of what is happening in Scotland.
‘That is the heart of the issue. But we have in any case under this government been devolving more power to cities for instance. 
'There may be many more ideas as to how we can do that but how Westminster operates is now at the heart of the issue.’
But he dismissed the prospect of a separate English parliament. Mr Hague said: ‘I don’t think people in this country will want, and I don’t think our work will lead to more expensive government and politics.’
Mr Hague said if political parties could not reach a consensus on English devolution they would have to ‘stake out their positions’ during the general election campaign.
‘There is a strong view in England, among the people of England, as well the Conservative party and I think many liberal democrats as well,’ he said. 
A pro-union supporter celebrates during a 'Better Together' referendum celebration event in Glasgow this morning before Mr Salmond conceded defeat
A pro-union supporter celebrates during a 'Better Together' referendum celebration event in Glasgow this morning before Mr Salmond conceded defeat
Yes supporters make their way home in the dawn on The Royal Mile in Edinburgh the morning that Scotland decided to stay with The UK
Yes supporters make their way home in the dawn on The Royal Mile in Edinburgh the morning that Scotland decided to stay with The UK


Guarantee One
'New powers for the Scottish Parliament.'
The three Westminster party leaders said Holyrood would be given 'extensive new powers' over tax, spending and welfare.
Gordon Brown promised draft legislation in January 2015 and a Commons vote in March. 
Guarantee Two
'To share our resources equitably for defence, welfare, pensions and healthcare.'
The guarantee to keep pensions part of a UK-wide scheme helped persuade elderly Scottish voters to reject independence.
There will now be a battle over the future funding of welfare and pensions and how much control Holyrood should have over each.
Guarantee Three
'The power to spend more on the NHS if that is Scottish people’s will and the continued Barnett allocation.'
Scotland will be given the power to raise its own funds - and the 'final decisions on spending on public services' will be handed to Edinburgh. 
The past week has seen a growing clamour about the disparity, as the leaders of the three main Westminster parties have promised Scotland new powers over tax, spending and welfare.
Some backbenchers such as former minister John Redwood have called for a separate English parliament, to balance out the powers afforded to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Speaking this morning Conservative MP Bernard Jenkin, who has led a campaign for an English parliament, said: ‘I'm mightily relieved but very concerned that this episode has thrown the whole of the UK constitution into a state of flux rather than settled anything.
‘And you can hear Alex Salmond teeing things up for the next row with Westminster because we've really no idea what these promises of extra powers actually are or what is meant by honouring the Barnett Formula and I think all the noises coming out from the briefings of Downing Street are right - we need also to address the answer to the English question, it's no longer the West Lothian question.’
The Harwich and North Essex MP went on: ‘Whatever the promises made are they have to be honoured and we have to respect that a lot of Scottish people voted for separation and that's all got to be addressed.
‘But what is right for Scotland is also right for England and I think the Prime Minister should engage much more with his MPs because in fact his MPs represent a majority of constituencies in England.’ 
Former Environment Secretary Owen Paterson called for the immediate recall of Parliament to debate the implications of the Scottish referendum result – and slammed Mr Cameron for agreeing to hand over new powers to Scotland without consulting MPs.
He said: 'I welcome the clear referendum result, but the chaotic manner in which the no vote was won has undermined the strong and resilient United Kingdom on which we all depend.
‘It is unacceptable that in the late stages of the campaign an ex Labour leader was allowed to make rash promises of “extensive new powers” to the Scottish people with the endorsement of all three UK party leaders, but with no mandate from Parliament.
‘It is unfair that Scottish politicians will continue to vote on taxes raised from the English, while voting special tax raising powers to Scotland alone.
‘Maintaining the Barnett formula, under which the Scottish receive £1,600 per head more than the English and expecting English taxpayers, who are struggling to make ends meet, to keep footing the bill is unjust.
‘Such a lopsided constitutional settlement cannot last; it is already causing real anger across England. If not resolved fairly for all the constituent parts of the UK for the long term, it will fall apart. The normal autumn routine of party political conferences is not sacrosanct.
‘The Prime Minister’s promise of English votes for English laws is welcome and Parliament should be recalled next week to discuss this and a wider constitutional settlement.’
Chairman of the Better Together campaign  Alistair Darling said it was now time to win greater devolution to Scotland
Chairman of the Better Together campaign Alistair Darling said it was now time to win greater devolution to Scotland
UKIP leader Nigel Farage, speaking this morning on Abingdon Green outside Parliament, called for Scottish MPs not to vote on English issues
UKIP leader Nigel Farage, speaking this morning on Abingdon Green outside Parliament, called for Scottish MPs not to vote on English issues
Better Together leader Alistair Darling is congratulated by Labour leader Ed Miliband at a rally in Glasgow this morning
Better Together leader Alistair Darling is congratulated by Labour leader Ed Miliband at a rally in Glasgow this morning


A number of crucial votes have been won and lost in the Commons based on Scottish MPs.
August 29, 2013: A majority of MPs would have voted for miitary action against Syria over its use of chemical weapons
January 29, 2013: David Cameron would have cut the number of MPs to 600, giving him a better shot at winning the next general election
October 31, 2012: MPs would have voted for the Government to seek a real-terms cut in the European Union budget
April 24, 2012: Products containing halal and kosher meat would have had to be labelled 
June 11, 2008: Extending the period of police detention from 28 days to 42 days would not have been agreed
March 31, 2004: MPs would have voted against the introduction of £3,000-a-year tuition fees, which do not apply in Scotland
February 4, 2003: MPs would have voted for an 80 per cent elected House of Lords
Conservative MP Sir Gerald Howarth said major constitutional changes should not be ‘rushed’.
He claimed ‘appeasing Scottish Nationalism’ was ‘what brought us to the brink of disaster'.
Nigel Farage said that Scottish MPs should immediately give up their right to debate or vote on devolved English issues at Westminster in the wake of the vote.
The UK Independence Party leader said he will write to the 59 Scottish MPs today to ask them to agree.
He said: 'Short-term that's what we can do. Longer-term, and I think all the constitutional experts talking on your show say, this stuff is complicated, getting this right matters as it will be for many, many decades to come and I really do think now we absolutely need to have a constitutional convention to talk about how we create a fair, federal United Kingdom.
'That process is vital. All I've heard from Mr Cameron is that William Hague will head up some committee to discuss the English question and I simply don't think that's enough.' 

JAMES SLACK: Is Cameron serious about providing English votes for English laws or is it just more carefully-crafted spin? 

Within minutes of confirmation he had scraped home in the battle to protect the union, David Cameron immediately tried to regain the initiative by promising ‘English votes for English laws'.
But what quickly became clear is that he is a million miles from being able to explain how he would honour his commitment – and that what he may end up proposing is likely to fall well short of the demands of many Tory MPs.
Backbenchers, led by John Redwood, say that, as a quid pro quo for giving the Scots new powers over tax, benefits and finance, Scottish MPs should be stripped of the right to vote on these issues at Westminster, when they relate solely to England.
Will MPs sit as an 'English House of Commons' for a number of days during the week?
Will MPs sit as an 'English House of Commons' for a number of days during the week?
The Scots would also lose the right to vote on other devolved issues such as the NHS and education.
Under the backbench idea, favoured by some Cabinet members, Westminster would continue to be the home of the UK Government. But it would most likely hold two different sittings.
MPs from across the UK would sit to discuss issues such as defence, foreign policy and immigration.
Separate sessions would then take place, attended solely by English MPs, possibly in the form of a grand committee, to vote on English only matters, like the Heath Service.
The Prime Minister knows this idea will be popular with many of his backbenchers, who have long being angry over the so-called West Lothian question – indeed, without such a pledge, they may not agree to vote for the package of bribes he promised to Scotland in his last-ditch bid to avoid a Yes vote.
In a carefully-crafted soundbite, Mr Cameron said: ‘I've long believed that a crucial part missing from this national discussion is England. We've heard the voice of Scotland, but now the millions of voices of England must also be heard.
'The question of English votes for English laws, the so-called West Lothian question, requires a decisive answer.
'So just as Scotland will vote separately in the Scottish Parliament on their issues of tax, spending and welfare so too England as well as Wales and Northern Ireland should be able to vote on these issue - and all this must take place in tandem with and at the same pace the settlement for Scotland.'
Ed Miliband will find it harder to form a majority without the support of Scottish MPs after the next election
Ed Miliband will find it harder to form a majority without the support of Scottish MPs after the next election
But his statement begs far more questions than it answers and William Hague, speaking after the Prime Minister, ruled out the idea of an English Parliament.
Mr Hague said: ‘I don’t think people in this country will want, and I don’t think our work will lead to more expensive government and politics.’
Instead, Government aides are pointing to two existing reports on constitutional change. One is called the McKay report, and the other was penned by Ken Clarke.
These would mean that when a Bill went through Parliament on the likes of health or education, there would be certain stages at which only English MPs could vote.
Most likely, only English MPs would be able to amend the legislation.
But, crucially, Scottish MPs would still be able to vote on the general principle.
This, to many Tory MPs and supporters, could hardly be said to constitute ‘English votes for English laws’. Doubtless Ukip will have a field day pointing this out.
What is certain is that Labour’s high command hates any suggestion of the idea that Scottish MPs should be stripped of their powers.
Douglas Alexander, himself a Scottish MP, said it was a ‘knee jerk response ... driven more by politics than the needs of the constitution’.
It’s not surprising Labour are opposed, since turkey’s don’t vote for Christmas.
Currently, the party has 40 MPs in Scotland who can be relied on to agree with the party command’s position on the supposed evils of NHS reform, opposition to Michael Gove’s school reforms and the rest.
Strip them out, and the party at Westminster would be weakened considerably.
Indeed, based on current opinion polls, it could spell chaos for Ed Miliband. At present, he is on course to win in 2015 with a majority of around 30 seats.
Take out the Scots and he would no longer command a majority in England on his pet subjects of the NHS and education. He may even struggle to carry finance bills – though it’s far from clear what voting rights Scots MPs would have on this issue. For instance, they may be unable to vote on income tax, which is being devolved to the Scots, but be given a say on everything else.
Some are even questioning whether – if Scots are no longer able to vote on crucial matters relating to England – there could ever again be a Scottish Prime Minister, Chancellor, Health Secretary, Education Secretary or Work and Pensions Secretary.
In recent years, that would have meant no Gordon Brown, no Alistair Darling and no John Reid at Health, for starters.
So what happens next?
Mr Cameron says he wants to drive the changes through before the General Election, which seems an awesome task.
If Labour does oppose the plans, could the PM rely of Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats to force them through?
Mr Clegg is on the record as saying it is unfair for Scots to continue to vote on English only matters.
But, on the other hand, the Lib Dem betrayal over boundary reform taught Mr Cameron not to trust his deputy as far as he could throw him.
Certainly, Mr Clegg would demand sweeteners of his own, such as extra powers for the English regions and the great cities of the north. This, in turn, would not necessarily be popular with Tory MPs…
In other words, it could turn into a nine-month constitutional car crash which dominates the remainder of the Parliament and has the capacity to turn very ugly indeed.

'There can be no disputes, no re-runs – we have heard the settled will of the Scottish people': David Cameron's speech in full

The Prime Minister said the referendum had delivered 'a clear result' which could not be disputed or re-run
The Prime Minister said the referendum had delivered 'a clear result' which could not be disputed or re-run
'The people of Scotland have spoken. It is a clear result. They have kept our country of four nations together. Like millions of other people, I am delighted.
'As I said during the campaign, it would have broken my heart to see our United Kingdom come to an end.
'And I know that sentiment was shared by people, not just across our country, but also around the world….because of what we’ve achieved together in the past and what we can do together in the future.
'So now it is time for our United Kingdom to come together, and to move forward.
'A vital part of that will be a balanced settlement – fair to people in Scotland and importantly to everyone in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as well.
'Let us first remember why we had this debate – and why it was right to do so.
'The Scottish National Party was elected in Scotland in 2011 and promised a referendum on independence.
'We could have blocked that, we could have put it off but just as with other big issues, it was right to take - not duck - the big decision.
'I am a passionate believer in our United Kingdom – I wanted more than anything for our United Kingdom to stay together.
'But I am also a democrat. And it was right that we respected the SNP’s majority in Holyrood and gave the Scottish people their right to have their say.
'Let us also remember why it was right to ask the definitive question, Yes or No.
'Because now the debate has been settled for a generation or as Alex Salmond has said, perhaps for a lifetime.
'So there can be no disputes, no re-runs – we have heard the settled will of the Scottish people.
'Scotland voted for a stronger Scottish Parliament backed by the strength and security of the United Kingdom and I want to congratulate the No campaign for that – for showing people that our nations really are better together.
'I also want to pay tribute to Yes Scotland for a well-fought campaign and to say to all those who did vote for independence: ‘we hear you’.
'We now have a chance – a great opportunity – to change the way the British people are governed, and change it for the better.
'Political leaders on all sides of the debate now bear a heavy responsibility to come together and work constructively to advance the interests of people in Scotland, as well as those in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, for each and every citizen of our United Kingdom.
'To those in Scotland sceptical of the constitutional promises made, let me say this we have delivered on devolution under this Government, and we will do so again in the next Parliament.
'The three pro-union parties have made commitments, clear commitments, on further powers for the Scottish Parliament.
'We will ensure that they are honoured in full.
'And I can announce today that Lord Smith of Kelvin – who so successfully led Glasgow’s Commonwealth Games – has agreed to oversee the process to take forward the devolution commitments with powers over tax, spending and welfare all agreed by November and draft legislation published by January.
'Just as the people of Scotland will have more power over their affairs, so it follows that the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland must have a bigger say over theirs.
'The rights of these voters need to be respected, preserved and enhanced as well.
'It is absolutely right that a new and fair settlement for Scotland should be accompanied by a new and fair settlement that applies to all parts of our United Kingdom.
'In Wales, there are proposals to give the Welsh Government and Assembly more powers.
'And I want Wales to be at the heart of the debate on how to make our United Kingdom work for all our nations.
'In Northern Ireland, we must work to ensure that the devolved institutions function effectively.
'I have long believed that a crucial part missing from this national discussion is England.
'We have heard the voice of Scotland - and now the millions of voices of England must also be heard.
'The question of English votes for English laws – the so-called West Lothian question –requires a decisive answer.
'So, just as Scotland will vote separately in the Scottish Parliament on their issues of tax, spending and welfare so too England, as well as Wales and Northern Ireland, should be able to vote on these issues and all this must take place in tandem with, and at the same pace as, the settlement for Scotland.
'I hope that is going to take place on a cross-party basis…
'I have asked William Hague to draw up these plans.
'We will set up a Cabinet Committee right away and proposals will also be ready to the same timetable
'I hope the Labour Party and other parties will contribute.
'It is also important we have wider civic engagement about to improve governance in our United Kingdom, including how to empower our great cities. And we will say more about this in the coming days.
'This referendum has been hard fought. It has stirred strong passions. It has electrified politics in Scotland, and caught the imagination of people across the whole of our United Kingdom.
'It will be remembered as a powerful demonstration of the strength and vitality of our ancient democracy.
'Record numbers registered to vote and record numbers cast their vote.
'We can all be proud of that.
'It has reminded us how fortunate we are that we are able to settle these vital issues at the ballot box, peacefully and calmly.
'Now we must look forward, and turn this into the moment when everyone – whichever way they voted – comes together to build that better, brighter future for our entire United Kingdom.'

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