Saturday, August 30, 2014

Back on the bombing run: One of the last two flying Lancasters pays tribute to the 55,000 Bomber Boys who never returned with flight on the route thousands of sorties took to target the Nazis

  • .MailOnline was granted exclusive access to film while flying alongside the Canadian Lancaster bomber 
  • .Stunning footage shows the iconic aircraft soaring above the UK in what will be one of its final ever flights
  • .Video was shot while flying in a small aircraft just feet away from the world's second only airworthy Lancaster 
For the 55,000 brave aircrew who lost their lives in the Second World War, it would have been their final view of England, soaring high above the North Lincolnshire countryside.
In tribute, one of the world's last two airworthy Lancasters takes the same route over Bomber Country - where some 389,000 sorties were flown by Bomber Command between 1939 and 1945.
This moving footage is captured from a light aircraft flying alongside the 69ft-long Canadian bomber, flying in formation much how the legendary bombers would have done more than 70 years ago. 
Scroll down for video 
'We were incredibly close': A photograph taken of the Canadian Lancaster bomber from on board Action Station's Piper Chieftain
'We were incredibly close': A photograph taken of the Canadian Lancaster bomber from on board Action Station's Piper Chieftain
 it looked as awesome as you would expect. It was a fantastic sight.

Incredible machine: The Canadian Lancaster as it flies above Britain, having made the journey across the Atlantic for the final time
Incredible machine: The Canadian Lancaster as it flies above Britain, having made the journey across the Atlantic for the final time
Flying high: The spectacular footage captures the Lancaster gliding just metres away from Action Stations' Piper ChieftainFlying high: The spectacular footage captures the Lancaster gliding just metres away from Action Stations' Piper Chieftain
Flying high: The spectacular footage captures the Lancaster gliding just metres away from Action Stations' Piper Chieftain
'It was staggering just how close we were able to get. We were able to see right inside the cockpit - at times, you could see the pilot, and some of the dials on the dashboard. We were just metres away from each other.
'The noise was incredible as well - when you're on the ground, it's a unique sound and very different to modern aircraft. If you were living in the flight path to one of those, you would know about it.
'It's a very low but loud drone - very basey. You can just imagine that noise during the war - and the Lancaster being a very threatening device.
'As one of the world's only two remaining Lancaster bombers, to have the opportunity to see the plane that was so vital during the Second World War, the most significant aircraft helping the allies to win, to see one of these up close, the famous Dambuster plane, it was a really special moment. I feel very privileged.'
Flight of a lifetime: The Canadian Lancaster bomber flies above the UK as MailOnline films footage from a light aircraft soaring just feet away
Flight of a lifetime: The Canadian Lancaster bomber flies above the UK as MailOnline films footage from a light aircraft soaring just feet away
Journey of a lifetime: The Canadian Avro Lancaster made the flight to Britain for the final time to fly with the only other airworthy bomber in the world
Journey of a lifetime: The Canadian Avro Lancaster made the flight to Britain for the final time to fly with the only other airworthy bomber in the world
Phil Vinter shot the footage of the incredible Canadian Lancaster bomber - flying just metres away in a twin-engine Piper ChieftainPhil Vinter shot the footage of the incredible Canadian Lancaster bomber - flying just metres away in a twin-engine Piper Chieftain
Phil Vinter shot the footage of the incredible Canadian Lancaster bomber - flying just metres away in a twin-engine Piper Chieftain


  • LENGTH: 69ft 6in
  • WINGSPAN: 102ft
  • POWER: 1,640 hp each
  • ENGINE: 4 x Packard Merlin 224
  • MAXIMUM SPEED: 275mph
  • CRUISING SPEED: 210mph
  • SERVICE CEILING: 25,700ft
  • RANGE: 2,530 miles 
More than 7,377 Lancasters, 430 of which were built in Canada, were built during the Second World War but many that survived were scrapped.
It was the most successful bomber used by the Royal Air Force and the Royal Canadian Air Force.
In 1940, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill threw his support behind the Royal Air Force's Fighter Command and the development of Bomber Command, stating: 'The Navy can lose us the war, but only the Air Force can win it. Therefore our supreme effort must be to gain overwhelming mastery in the air.
'The Fighters are our salvation, but the Bombers alone provide the means of victory.'
The Lancaster Vera - dedicated to Andrew Mynarski, the last Canadian airman to be awarded the VC in World War II – made the long journey to Britain from its base at the Ontario's Warplane Heritage Museum earlier this month.
It has joined the Lancaster Thumper at various events over the past few weeks - marking the first time the two Bombers have flown together in 50 years.
The two aircraft are expected to visit some 60 air shows and public events across the UK over the next five weeks.
They took to the skies over Eastbourne last week - joined by jet planes from the Red Arrows.
The Lancasters, made famous by the Dambusters raid, took part in a flyby over Eastbourne beach along with a Spitfire and a Hurricane as part of a tour to commemorate the Battle of Britain. 
Farewell flights: The Canadian Lancaster - pictured soaring above the UK - is in Britain for the final time
Farewell flights: The Canadian Lancaster - pictured soaring above the UK - is in Britain for the final time
Together again: The world's only two airworthy Lancaster bombers united on a windswept RAF Coningsby for one of the last times on August 13
Together again: The world's only two airworthy Lancaster bombers united on a windswept RAF Coningsby for one of the last times on August 13
Side by side: The British and Canadian Lancaster bombers fly above Eastbourne, Sussex, in a display that hasn't been since since the 1950s
Side by side: The British and Canadian Lancaster bombers fly above Eastbourne, Sussex, in a display that hasn't been since since the 1950s
The Lancaster Thumper, flying as part of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, was joined by the Canadian Lancaster Vera from Ontario

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2724404/Dambusters-reunited-Two-Second-World-War-Lancaster-bombers-fly-time-50-years.html#ixzz3BnRbmlY6 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on FacebookThe Lancaster Thumper, flying as part of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, was joined by the Canadian Lancaster Vera from Ontario
The Lancaster Thumper, flying as part of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, was joined by the Canadian Lancaster Vera from Ontario


  • Saturday 30 August - Shoreham Air Show 2014 - Shoreham, West Sussex
  • Saturday 30 August - Dartmouth Royal Regatta - www.dartmouthregatta.co.uk - Dartmouth, UK
  • Sunday 28 September - Battle of Britain Memorial Flight - www.lancasterassociation.co.uk - RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire
Action Stations is arranging flights alongside the Canadian bomber, with seats available for a final trip on September 8, for £2,150.
The price includes a 40-minute flight - flying alongside the Lancaster for about 30 minutes - as well as a tour of the plane and a photo opportunity. 
Stephen Burt, CEO of Action Stations, said: ‘We offer these flights to ensure the memory of those aircrews who gave of themselves in our hour of need, is never forgotten.
‘We can appreciate and enjoy the aircraft that are kept in museums, but it is only when they are fired up and flying that these legendary machines capture the attention and imagination of all. 
The light aircraft flew alongside the Lancaster bomber, at times so close that passengers could see the pilot and the dials in the cockpit
The light aircraft flew alongside the Lancaster bomber, at times so close that passengers could see the pilot and the dials in the cockpit
People take photos of the Lancaster bomber, one of only two in the world still flying, at Durham Tees Valley Airport in Darlington, as it tours the country 
People take photos of the Lancaster bomber, one of only two in the world still flying, at Durham Tees Valley Airport in Darlington, as it tours the country 
The bombers are equipped with four Packard Merlin engines, which are capable of pushing the planes up to 275mph
The bombers are equipped with four Packard Merlin engines, which are capable of pushing the planes up to 275mph
The Lancaster from The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight which flew with the Canadian Bomber in formation for a public display
The Lancaster from The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight which flew with the Canadian Bomber in formation for a public display


On May 16, 1943, 19 aircraft set out to destroy three dams in the Ruhr valley - the Mohne, the Eder and the Sorpe.
The idea was to damage a vital source of power to the key industrial area of Germany.
The strategic targets not only supplied hydro-electric power, and water for steel-making, but also supplied drinking water.
The squadron was assembled by Wing Commander Guy Gibson with only 11 weeks to prepare for their mission - using special bouncing bombs, invented by Barnes Wallis.
They were not told that they would be bombing the Ruhr valley until six hours before the raid began, following weeks of practice over Peak District reservoirs.
On the night of the mission - codenamed Operation Chastise - the 113 crewmen took off in three waves along two different routes to bomb the dams.
Gibson attacked first at the Möhne at 12.28am, but five bombs were dropped before it was breached.
The first wave’s three remaining aircraft with bombs then attacked the Eder which finally collapsed at 1.52am. Aircraft from the other two waves bombed the Sorpe but it remained intact.
Although the mission was hailed a success, eight aircraft and 53 crew were lost during the raids.

‘And if the story of the heroism of those people is to be passed on to future generations, it will be through the regular flying of these aircraft - their sight and sound will inspire future generations.’
The Avro Lancaster is one of the Second World War's most-recognisable British aircraft.
It is most famous for the Dambusters raids, which saw 19 Lancasters attack German dams with Sir Barnes Wallis's 'bouncing bombs' in 1943.
Vera - built two years after the raids, in 1945 - was acquired by Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in 1978 and underwent a 10-year restoration.
Lord Of The Rings director Peter Jackson has also been on board the bomber in preparation for a new film about the Dambusters.
The footage was filmed and edited by Phil Vinter with assistance from Andrew Panton for MailOnline. 
Epic journey: The Canadian Lancaster bomber made the long trip across the Atlantic from Canada to Britain for the last time
Epic journey: The Canadian Lancaster bomber made the long trip across the Atlantic from Canada to Britain for the last time
Take off: MailOnline was granted exclusive access to film while flying alongside the Canadian Lancaster bomber on a 30-minute flight
Take off: MailOnline was granted exclusive access to film while flying alongside the Canadian Lancaster bomber on a 30-minute flight
The Canadian Avro Lancaster - in Britain for the last time - is one of the Second World War's most-recognisable British aircraft
The Canadian Avro Lancaster - in Britain for the last time - is one of the Second World War's most-recognisable British aircraft


Once in a lifetime: The trip to Britain marks the final time the Lancaster flies from Canada to England
Once in a lifetime: The trip to Britain marks the final time the Lancaster flies from Canada to England
Honoured: Andrew Mynarski was the last Canadian airman to be awarded the Victoria Cross in the Second World War
'Probably the most famous Allied bomber of the Second World War, the Avro Lancaster had impressive flying characteristics and operational performance,' the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum says on its website. 
Honoured: Andrew Mynarski was the last Canadian airman to be awarded the Victoria Cross in the Second World WarThe plane is dedicated to the memory of Pilot Officer Andrew Mynarski who was awarded the Victoria Cross - the highest award for bravery in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces.
Canadian Mynarski won the award on June 13, 1944, when his Lancaster was shot down in flames by a German night fighter during the Second World War.
As the bomber fell, Mynarski managed to free the tail gunner trapped in the rear turret of the blazing and out-of-control aircraft before he died.
The crew member survived and lived to tell the tale, resulting in the Victoria Cross being awarded in 1946 - the last such award to a Canadian airman in the Second World War.
The Lancaster bomber, which is flying to the UK in August, was dedicated to Mynarski, and is referred to as the 'Mynarski Memorial Lancaster'.
It is painted in the colours of his aircraft KB726 – VR-A, which flew with RCAF Squadron. 
Unique opportunity: The passengers will fly alongside the most famous Allied bomber of the Second World War
In 1952, it suffered a serious accident and received a replacement wing centre section from a Lancaster that had flown in combat over Germany.
It served as a maritime patrol aircraft in Newfoundland for many years and was retired from the RCAF in late 1963.
With help from the Sulley Foundation in 1977, it was acquired from the Royal Canadian Legion in Goderich, Ontario, where it had been on outside display.
Eleven years passed before it was completely restored and flew again on September 24, 1988.

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