Saturday, February 22, 2014

Why Kate and Wills' favourite pop star is tortured by the father who spurns her

By Alison Boshoff
Queen of the red carpet: Ellie Goulding is pictured arriving at this week's Brit Awards in a full-skirted, pale-pink Vivienne Westwood frock
Queen of the red carpet: Ellie Goulding is pictured arriving at this week's Brit Awards in a full-skirted, pale-pink Vivienne Westwood frock
Arriving at this week’s Brit Awards in a full-skirted, pale-pink Vivienne Westwood frock, Ellie Goulding was very much the queen of the red carpet.
And, named best British female solo artist on Wednesday night, she reigned inside London’s O2 Arena, too, celebrating long into the night with her record label stablemate Katy Perry.
Ellie, now 27, was named Critics’ Choice at the 2010 Brits — an accolade given to rising stars. 
Since then she has performed at Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding, had smash hits in the UK and U.S., seen her debut album sell more than two million copies, and reached No. 1 with her second album, Halcyon.
With her distinctive voice, all hoarse emotion and vibrato, there is no one quite like her. 
The fact that she has got so far in life is testament to her strong character and work ethic: not for her a gilded showbiz upbringing like Lily Allen, or a performing arts school education like Adele. 
Instead, Ellie had such a fractured and traumatic upbringing it left her needing therapy. Deserted by her father Arthur Goulding, who walked out when she was just five, she ended up loathing the tattooed lorry driver her mother went on to marry. 
She admits that her upbringing left her damaged and this week her mother told how Ellie has never quite come to terms with her father’s desertion.
‘She has suffered from feeling insecure for years,’ Tracey Summers said from her terraced home in Birmingham.
‘The separation with her father was very difficult. We’ve all been through some tough times. Some people carry that with them for years and other people manage to let it go; she’s finally starting to let it go.’
Not, it seems, that she’ll ever get any help overcoming her shattered feelings from the father who left her.
Arthur Goulding lives some miles away in a neat home in Hereford with his second wife Sharlene, an attractive brunette. When approached this week by the Mail, Sharlene showed little interest in her stepdaughter’s extraordinary achievements.
Royal support: Ellie performed at Kate and Wills' wedding following her success at the Brit Awards in 2010
Royal support: Ellie performed at Kate and Wills' wedding following her success at the Brit Awards in 2010

‘It’s not a story,’ she said. ‘It’s nothing to do with us. I don’t know why people keep on asking us about her.’ 
Neighbours of the Gouldings, who are well liked locally, confirmed that the couple never speak about their connection to Ellie.
Not that they wish her ill. Indeed, Sharlene said: ‘We are sure she is very happy about winning a Brit.’
However, these words will bring a pang of sadness to Ellie, who has longed for years for her estranged father to get in touch and to say how sorry he is for letting her go.
After her parents separated, she initially saw him every other weekend, then once a month, and then ‘never’. She last got in touch with him when she was 19.
Unique: The singer, now aged 27, is renowned for her distinctive voice, which is all hoarse emotion and vibrato
Unique: The singer, now aged 27, is renowned for her distinctive voice, which is all hoarse emotion and vibrato
It’s a subject that’s informed much of her writing. In the song I Know You Care, she sings about her father: ‘I don’t warm my hands in your coat / But I still hope.’
In fact, she says, the title of the track is ‘denial really, because I don’t think he does care’. 
In 2012, she told one interviewer that her father’s absence ‘was a constant area of confusion and fascination for me. It’s in everything I do. It’s probably the reason why I do it.’
She was born Elena Jane Goulding on December 30, 1986. Her mother, Tracey, was a talented artist and music fan who used to hang out with punk group Siouxsie and the Banshees and worked for various record companies.
Opening up: In 2012, Ellie told one interviewer that her father's absence 'was a constant area of confusion and fascination for me'
Opening up: In 2012, Ellie told one interviewer that her father's absence 'was a constant area of confusion and fascination for me'

But by the time Ellie, the second of Tracey’s four children, came along, her mother was working in a supermarket to make ends meet and the family were living in a council house in Lyonshall, Hereford. 
The singer has said: ‘I didn’t have the best childhood. We grew up in the smallest house. Moth-eaten, flea-ridden furniture with holes in it was handed down from my nana.’ She recalled visits from bailiffs, who took away the family television one afternoon over unpaid bills.
As a youngster, she took up the clarinet and guitar, joined the local operatic society and performed in school plays, but recalls that she never felt special or encouraged.
‘I could only sing when mum wasn’t there. I think she had a weird way of supporting and encouraging me, more like an old-fashioned way of “work hard” rather than “that’s brilliant”.’
Tracey, who cheered on her daughter at the Brits this week, remembers Ellie as a ‘theatrical’ youngster who used to put on Spice Girls shows with her brother Alex and sisters Isabel and Jordan.
She says: ‘As soon as Ellie picked up a guitar, that was it. She taught herself to play. Despite the fact that her father played very, very well, he didn’t teach her anything.
‘At the Brits there were an awful lot of people who were ex-Brit School or ex-Italia Conti [the celebrated stage school]. We come from a humble background. There were a lot of tough times.’
Ellie said in one interview that her biggest problems growing up were practical — there simply  wasn’t space for her to make a noise at home.
‘I shared a bedroom with my sisters: me and my younger sister, Jordan, had bunk beds, and Isabel was on the other side of the room.’ 
She didn’t have her own room until she went to university.
Ellie seems to have only two childhood memories of her father. One is of the day he left, and her instinctive knowledge that he was never, ever coming back.
Success: Ellie's Brits' Critics' Choice win four years ago was followed by mainstream success, when her delicate cover version of Elton John's Your Song was used for that year's John Lewis Christmas advert
Success: Ellie's Brits' Critics' Choice win four years ago was followed by mainstream success, when her delicate cover version of Elton John's Your Song was used for that year's John Lewis Christmas advert

The other memory is just as dark. As she tells it, Arthur came from a family of undertakers and was ‘obsessed’ with murder.
On one visit, he gave her a book crammed with vivid pictures of various famous murders. ‘I brought it home and my mum was so freaked out she burnt it,’ she said. 
Next came her lorry driver stepfather. ‘He wasn’t strict and he wasn’t a drunk; he just wasn’t very intelligent,’ she once told a newspaper. ‘He wasn’t the type to suggest a book to read or film to watch; he was just a difficult person to live with. Even as a youngster, I knew I’d be a different adult to him.
‘He was a lorry driver with a tattoo of a bulldog smoking a spliff. The other tattoo he had was a snake with a dagger through it.
'I didn’t have the best childhood. We grew up in the smallest house. Moth-eaten, flea-ridden furniture with holes in it was handed down from my nana'
Ellie Goulding
‘If I ever saw him again I think I’d punch him in the face. I don’t know why my mum was with him, to be honest. I think it was because he was willing to take on four kids. But they never got on. She was with him for about 15 years. It was horrible. 
‘I was desperate to get out so I got really stuck in at school and tried my best to get a great education.
‘He just wasn’t very nice to us. It was a time when family happiness wasn’t a priority. The priority was staying afloat financially, keeping our house and having electricity.’ 
By the time she was 16, Ellie had dyed her naturally light brown hair black and started to commit herself to music.
At 18 she met and moved in with a sound engineer called Matt, then 32. Their romance lasted until she became famous. He encouraged her to apply to the University of Kent, which she did, studying English and Drama.
Her big break came at an open mic talent show where she met her manager, Jamie Lillywhite, the son of producer Steve Lillywhite and the late singer Kirsty MacColl. She signed a record deal with Polydor and quit university in her final year.
Love life: Ellie has had a romance with actor Jeremy Irvine and a fling with singer Ed Sheeran (pictured)
Love life: Ellie has had a romance with actor Jeremy Irvine and a fling with singer Ed Sheeran (pictured)

The combination of her unique voice with an electro-pop backing proved successful on both sides of the Atlantic. 
Her Brits’ Critics’ Choice win four years ago was followed by mainstream success, when her delicate cover version of Elton John’s Your Song was used for that year’s John Lewis Christmas advert.
Prince William and Kate then asked her to perform the track for the first dance at their wedding reception. 
Her first album, Lights, was dedicated to her first love, ‘Matthew, who found and saved me’.
Ellie remembers him with great affection, but he’d become too much of a ‘father figure’. She admitted: ‘I began to find it weird to even sleep in the same bed as him.’
Now she has a flat in Marylebone, central London, and has dated a number of high-profile men.
She had a long and significant relationship with Radio 1 DJ Greg James, followed by a six-month fling with DJ and producer Skrillex, real name Sonny Moore, when they were working together in Los Angeles. 
'As soon as Ellie picked up a guitar, that was it. She taught herself to play'
Tracey Summers
Since then, there has been a romance with actor Jeremy Irvine and flings with singer Ed Sheeran and One Direction’s Niall Horan. Her date at the Brits was McFly’s bassist Dougie Poynter.
The relationship with her father remains sadly unresolved. She told another interviewer recently: ‘He’ll read this and probably build up more anger, but I don’t see him at all, and I’ve spoken to him just once since my record deal.
‘I’ve no idea whether he mentions me. I’m definitely past the point where I’m bitter or angry, because I have such a good life, but there’ll always be questions.
‘I wonder if he’s proud and happy for me. I wonder if he’s thinking about me. I wonder a lot of things.’
Ellie runs up to six miles a day to clear her head and stave off the panic attacks that have plagued her since becoming famous: some are so serious that she’s had to be admitted to hospital. 
She started exercising while at university to help control her anxieties — including a persistent dread that the world faced some unidentified apocalypse — and wears a heart monitor to help keep track of her stress levels. 
Ellie has been in therapy, and was told that the problem was a split between her glossy, confident stage persona and the intense and shy young girl she was growing up.
Her mother Tracey described her this week rather more simply as a ‘stress-head’. She said: ‘I think showbusiness has made her more confident and it has made her believe in herself more as a person.
‘She has met a lot of people who have taught her a lot of things. She has been in a few bad relationships and that has taught her a lot. She is slowly getting there.
‘Now that she’s been recognised for the talent that she has, that’s certainly a good thing. She has worked bloody hard to get where she is and it’s just great.’
Let’s hope one day Arthur Goulding finds it in his heart to express a similar pride to his daughter. One suspects it would mean a lot more than a Brit award to Ellie.

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