Friday, March 10, 2017

Malicious Malik: Attention-seeking half-brother of Obama posts image of ex-president's 'Kenyan birth certificate' while declaring his support for Trump in series of bizarre and bitter tweets

  • .Malik Obama is the half-brother of former President Barack Obama
  • .On Thursday, Malik Obama retweeted a copy of a forged birth certificate
  • .The forgery claims that Barack Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya
  • .Malik Obama is an avowed supporter of President Donald Trump
  • .Trump promoted birther movement, though he later said Obama was born in US 
Barack Obama is no longer president, but the birther movement alleging that he was born abroad still lives – thanks to his half-brother.
Malik Obama tweeted a copy of what he claims is a valid birth certificate proving that his half-brother was born in Mombasa, Kenya.
The 'birth certificate' bears the letterhead of the 'Coast Province General Hospital' in Mombasa.
In 2009, a man by the name of Lucas Smith offered the document for sale on eBay.
The website eventually removed the page because it has a policy of barring its users from selling purported government documents.
Barack ObamaMalik Obama
Malik Obama (left) tweeted a copy of what he claims is a valid birth certificate proving that his half-brother, Barack Obama (right), was born in Mombasa, Kenya
The 'birth certificate' bears the letterhead of the 'Coast Province General Hospital' in Mombasa. In 2009, a man by the name of Lucas Smith offered to sell the same forgery on eBay
The 'birth certificate' bears the letterhead of the 'Coast Province General Hospital' in Mombasa. In 2009, a man by the name of Lucas Smith offered to sell the same forgery on eBay
Smith reportedly offered to sell the 'birth certificate' on eBay for $1million. The alleged eBay page from 2009 is seen above
Smith reportedly offered to sell the 'birth certificate' on eBay for $1million. The alleged eBay page from 2009 is seen above
Birther: Smith (seen above) runs a blog that right-wing theories that the former president was not born in America 
Birther: Smith (seen above) runs a blog that right-wing theories that the former president was not born in America 
The sex of the baby is male, and the date of birth is listed as August 4, 1961, which is the former president's genuine birthday.
The 'document' also lists the names of Obama's parents, Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Obama (née Dunham).
The issue of Obama's birth as well as his religion have been frequently discussed matters within right-wing circles and conspiracy theorists.
The unfounded rumors of Obama's country of origin were largely meant to call into question the legitimacy of his presidency.
Malik Obama has become an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump. His Twitter avatar (above) shows him wearing the trademark 'Make America Great Again' hat, which became Trump's campaign slogan
Malik Obama has become an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump. His Twitter avatar (above) shows him wearing the trademark 'Make America Great Again' hat, which became Trump's campaign slogan
The issue of Obama's birth as well as his religion have been frequently discussed matters within right-wing circles and conspiracy theorists. In an effort to put the matter to rest, the Obama White House released a copy of his long-form birth certificate (above) in 2011
The issue of Obama's birth as well as his religion have been frequently discussed matters within right-wing circles and conspiracy theorists. In an effort to put the matter to rest, the Obama White House released a copy of his long-form birth certificate (above) in 2011
The US Constitution does not permit citizens who were born abroad to attain the presidency.
During Obama's years in the White House, President Donald Trump frequently promoted the conspiracy theory alleging that Obama lied about being born in Hawaii.
In an effort to put the matter to rest, the Obama White House released a copy of his long-form birth certificate in 2011.
Malik Obama's Twitter feed is filled with posts attesting to his embrace of rightist views and his support for President Donald Trump
Malik Obama's Twitter feed is filled with posts attesting to his embrace of rightist views and his support for President Donald Trump
He has also accused his half-brother of not doing enough to help his family
He has also accused his half-brother of not doing enough to help his family
During Trump's presidential campaign, the candidate publicly acknowledged that Obama was born in the United States – and then blamed his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, for initially disseminating the birther claim.
Malik Obama is a resident of Kenya and a naturalized US citizen. It is estimated that he has between three and 12 wives thanks to Kenya's legalization of polygamy, according to The Washington Post and CNN.  
Last July, Malik Obama told the New York Post that he would be supporting Trump.
In an interview from his home in Kenya, Malik Obama said he was voting for the Republican candidate because 'he speaks from the heart.'
Malik Obama (left) is seen with his half-brother Barack Obama (right) on Barack's wedding day in Chicago on October 3, 1992
Malik Obama (left) is seen with his half-brother Barack Obama (right) on Barack's wedding day in Chicago on October 3, 1992
The Obama brothers have had a strained relationship over the years. In the above September 14, 2004, file photo, Malik Obama holds a picture of him and Barack Obama in his shop in Siaya, Kenya
The Obama brothers have had a strained relationship over the years. In the above September 14, 2004, file photo, Malik Obama holds a picture of him and Barack Obama in his shop in Siaya, Kenya
A young Barack Obama is seen with his father, Barack Hussein Obama 
A young Barack Obama is seen with his father, Barack Hussein Obama 
'Make America Great Again is a great slogan,' he said. 'I would like to meet (Trump).'
During Obama's years in the White House, President Donald Trump (above) frequently promoted the conspiracy theory alleging that Obama lied about being born in Hawaii. During the presidential campaign in 2016, Trump acknowledged that Obama was born in the US
During Obama's years in the White House, President Donald Trump (above) frequently promoted the conspiracy theory alleging that Obama lied about being born in Hawaii. During the presidential campaign in 2016, Trump acknowledged that Obama was born in the US
The former Democrat voter said he was voting for a Republican after feeling 'deep disappointment' at his half-brother's presidency.
Trump was apparently so impressed with Malik Obama's expression of support that he invited him as his guest to the presidential debate against Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas on October 19. 
The Obama brothers have had a strained relationship over the years.
They first met around 30 years ago and were best men at each other's weddings. Malik claims that he's been invited to the White House on numerous occasions and that he stays in contact with the president.
'Of course we're close!' he told GQ in 2013. 'I'm the one who brought him here to Kogelo in 1988! I thought it was important for him to come home and see from whence his family came – you know, his roots.'
Malik told MailOnline that year that his more famous half-brother is 'always at the end of a phone line if I want to talk.'
Trump gladly accepted Malik Obama's endorsement and used it to chide Barack Obama for 'treating him badly - like everybody else'
Trump gladly accepted Malik Obama's endorsement and used it to chide Barack Obama for 'treating him badly - like everybody else'
Malik Obama (right) is seen with top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway in Las Vegas. Malik Obama accepted an invitation from Trump to attend the October 19 debate against Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas
Malik Obama (right) is seen with top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway in Las Vegas. Malik Obama accepted an invitation from Trump to attend the October 19 debate against Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas
Meanwhile, Malik has previously chided Barack for not doing enough to help his Kenyan relatives.
'I'm very proud of my brother, but I would like for him to do a little bit more for the family on this side. I would like to say he could send some money. I give money when asked. That's what family is for. We're not well off, though people think we are.' 
He also said that the president did little to help his own foray into politics when he unsuccessfully ran for governor of the southwestern Kenyan county of Siaya in 2013.
'I don't think politics is my thing,' he told The Post. 'Honestly, I'll be happy when my brother is out of office, and I will finally be out of the limelight and be able to live like a human being.'
It has been speculated that Malik Obama is also angry with his brother for his actions in Libya. 
The Obama administration supported the removal of former Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi, whom Malik Obama has described as a friend of his. 
Malik Obama was initially vilified by pro-Trump elements in the media because of his alleged past support for terrorist groups like Hamas, according to Media Matters
But when Malik Obama began to speak publicly about his rift with Barack, attitudes toward him on the right changed.
Not only did Malik Obama embrace the birther movement, but he also told Joel Gilbert that Obama's real father was a prominent communist named Frank Marshall Davis - another unfounded conspiracy theory that has been floating around on the internet.
Meanwhile, Malik Obama has been described as an opportunist who has asked journalists for thousands of dollars in exchange for the privilege of interviewing him, according to Vox.

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