Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Top city lawyer who lied on his CV that he had been to Oxford and Harvard quits his job after being exposed as a fake

  • .Dennis O'Riordan traded on his false resumé for five years
  • .He secured jobs at a list of top chambers, banks and solicitors' firms
  • .The fraudster has been suspended from practice for three years

Dennis O'Riordan was described as 'clever and charming' by colleagues
Liar: Dennis O'Riordan, above, was described as 'clever and charming' by colleagues, but he fabricated the glittering CV which landed him jobs at a string of top firms
A top City lawyer has been exposed as a fake after it was discovered that he lied on his CV that he had been to Harvard and Oxford universities.
Dennis O'Riordan, 51, said that he had attended the top institutions to get jobs at a string of banks, barristers' chambers and solicitors' firms during his five-year legal career.
He was forced to quit his job as special consultant at Paul Hastings after his lies were revealed as a result of a job application to an unnamed barristers' chambers.
On his CV, he claimed he:
  • Had a first class degree from Oxford and a doctorate in philosophy
  • Had been made an Eldon Scholar
  • Completed a masters degree at Harvard university
  • Was a member of both the New York and Irish Bars
  • Went to Radley College private school
  • Said he had a first class degree from the University of East Anglia
In truth, he was educated at East Anglia but it is not believed that he had the top grade.
He was finally reported to the professional body for barristers, the Bar Standards Board, who suspended him from practice for three years.
The board found O’Riordan guilty of 'conduct which was dishonest or otherwise discreditable to a barrister' dating back to March 2007.
Exposing his lies, it ruled: 'He did not attend Oxford University as an undergraduate and was not awarded a BA or BCL or a D Phil or an Eldon Scholarship by that university.
'He was not awarded a Master’s degree by the Faculty of Law of Harvard University.
'Further, he is not, and has never been, a member of either the New York or Irish Bars.'
Balliol College, Oxford University
Made up: The lawyer falsely claimed that he studied at Balliol College, Oxford, above, in order to impress empoyers
As a result of his creative CV, he was even listed in the Bar Directory, the leading guide to barristers, with the a string of falsified titles.
His entry read, 'Dr Dennis Thomas Delcaron O’Riordan LLB, Hons, BCL D Phil, Oxon, MA.'
The false academic background helped him become a partner at two City law firms, Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft and Paul Hastings. 
O’Riordan was originally called to the Bar by Inner Temple in 1993.
The barrister then went on to become a senior in-house London lawyer for a number of overseas banks.
He was group counsel for Nomura; general counsel for Sumitomo Finance; and head of legal and tax for the Republic National Bank of New York. In 2005, he joined barristers’ chambers 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square.
He moved to another chambers, Quadrant, before joining Cadwalader’s in August 2008 to launch its financial regulatory group in London.
In January 2009, he joined Paul Hastings and was a partner there until last year, when he became a special consultant at its London office.
Ivy League American university Harvard
Fabrication: His made-up CV also featured an master's qualification from Ivy League American university Harvard, above
Also known as Tom, he also claimed on professional profiles to be a visiting lecturer at Oxford University although it is unknown whether this was a fabrication.
Within 24 hours of his suspension, O’Riordan's profile removed Paul Hastings' their website.
Lawyers who have worked with O’Riordan have been swapping stories online and speculating about his real academic background.
One wrote: 'Worked for him a few years ago - clever, charming and "creative" lawyer but not suited to management.
'Had Gordon Brown-style eruptions when challenged - now at least we know why. Had plenty to hide.'
Some speculated that he did study law at the University of East Anglia - without obtaining a first class degree.
A Paul Hastings spokesperson would not comment on the firm’s recruitment procedures.
He said: 'We learned that a consultant to the London office, Tom O’Riordan, has, in the past, exaggerated his academic qualifications.
'Mr O’Riordan is a barrister and his professional body, the Bar Standards Board, has successfully brought disciplinary proceedings against him.
'Mr O’Riordan left the firm with immediate effect.'

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