Monday, May 27, 2013

Dad in a million

Son Jack, 2, in balloon tribute to soldier Lee

Rebecca sobs as she places Jack's card among tributes
A child's lament ... wife Rebecca sobs as she places Jack's card among tributes
Louis Wood

IT was a scene as heartrending as the events at the same spot just days earlier had been horrific.

As hundreds of wellwishers fell silent in respect and Drummer Lee Rigby’s family wept in grief at the site of his murder, even hardened cops were left in tears.
On a day heavy with emotion, few sights were more poignant than that of Lee’s estranged wife Rebecca tying a balloon emblazoned with Dad In A Million — on behalf of son Jack, two — to the road sign where he was killed.
tributes at murder scene
Heartrending ... tributes at murder scene
Louis Wood
Drummer Lee
Murdered ... Drummer Lee
A card from the lad, which he also drew on, read: “For my Daddy, from your little boy. Daddy, I love you.
"Everything we do together makes me feel very happy.”
On top of it was a ribbon that read “Husband”.
The family’s tributes sat amid a sea of thousands of others from strangers, a sign of how Lee’s murder has touched the nation’s hearts.
Squaddie Scott Draper, 31, of Basildon, Essex — in Lee’s regiment — left flowers and said: “I’ve got friends who knew him and they’re gutted.
"Seeing his family today is really upsetting. Even police had tears in their eyes.”
Lee’s relatives — including Rebecca, 30, mum Lyn, 46, stepdad Ian, 54, and sister Sara McClure — sobbed as they spent 20 minutes reading the tributes.
Rebecca proudly wore her wedding ring and clutched a Peppa Pig toy, which had a T-shirt with the slogan Daddy’s Little Buddy.
She also laid a wreath with the message: “My hero, my soldier, my one true love.

MEMBERS of Drummer Lee Rigby's family visited the location of his murder in Woolwich and laid flowers
"Until we meet again, my angel. I know you will be watching over me and Jack. Love always xxx.”
Lyn, holding a teddy with a beret of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers’ — her son’s regiment — fell to her knees when shown the spot in Woolwich, South East London, where Lee, 25, was killed last Wednesday.
Lee’s mother Lyn weeps at a tribute
Heartbreak ... Lee’s mother Lyn weeps at a tribute
Louis Wood
She and Ian left a wreath with the tender message: “To our precious son.
"Taken from us so suddenly but still with us in our hearts.”
Help for Heros graphic
Graphics for help for heros donations
A third wreath came from Lee’s sisters. The family was then driven in five cars to the gates of nearby Woolwich Barracks.
Rebecca laid another tribute — in the shape of the Fusiliers’ red and white beret feather plume — and wrote: “My husband, my love, my best friend.
Lyn is supported by husband Ian
Protection ... grieving Lyn is supported by husband Ian
Louis Wood
“My love for you is eternal.” She also left the Peppa Pig toy.
Sara left a bottle of her brother’s favourite HP Sauce alongside a collection of family snaps and wrote: “So sorry this has to be you. Sleep well.”
The barracks entrance has also been covered in tributes.
soldiers applauded as they look at the tributes
Respect ... soldiers applauded as they look at the tributes
Mike King
One from the Pakistan Community Centre in Willesden, North West London, read sadly: “Your death is the death of mankind.”
Elaine Bondfield, 57, of Lewisham, South East London, said: “It’s incredible how many people have come here to lay flowers. It shows how much people care.”
Soldiers paying their respects were applauded by wellwishers yesterday.

Sun Exclusive

ANTI-TERROR cops have arrested another man in connection with the murder of soldier Lee Rigby

Wave of emotion

wife’s message
My love ... wife’s message
Louis Wood
lad’s balloon
My hero ... lad’s balloon
Louis Wood
bottle from sister
Sauce ... bottle from sister
from Lee’s son Jack
Toy ... from Lee’s son Jack
Louis Wood
Muslims’ note
Touching ... Muslims’ note

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