Friday, January 16, 2015

Thrifty Kate strikes again! Six months pregnant Duchess of Cambridge steps out in £50 dress (no need for maternity wear)

  • .The Duchess of Cambridge was visiting foster carers in North London this morning
  • .33-year-old opted for a £50 brown silk jacquard dress by High Street label Hobbs 
  • .Wore a polka-dot top by the label during a reception at Kensington Palace in November
  • .Turned out to support The Fostering Network, a charity that supports foster carers 
  • .Looked smitten by some of the children she met, including six-month-old girl Naya
She was almost upstaged by colourful artist Grayson Perry during a visit to a London school yesterday, but this morning, all eyes were back on the Duchess of Cambridge as she met foster carers in Islington.
The 33-year-old opted for a more fashionable look than yesterday's pared-back smock dress by maternity label Madderson, teaming her brown silk Hobbs dress, which is not part of a maternity line, with opaque black tights and court shoes.
High street brand Hobbs is one of the Duchess' favourite labels and a frequent choice for engagements. In November, she was seen in a polka dot top by the same label during a reception she hosted at Kensington Palace.
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Working mother: The Duchess, who is six months pregnant, was undertaking her second engagement in as many days
Working mother: The Duchess, who is six months pregnant, was undertaking her second engagement in as many days
Reduced: The £169 dress is currently on sale for £50Thrifty: The Duchess of Cambridge arrives wearing a Hobbs dress
Thrifty choice: The Duchess of Cambridge arrived at the event in London's Islington wearing a Hobbs dress that is currently reduced to £50
Today's dress, the printed silk jacquard 'Animal shirt dress' is an especially thrifty choice for the High Street loving Duchess and currently on sale for £50, reduced from £169.
Kate, who was undertaking her second engagement of 2015, looked in good spirits as she arrived at the London event, beaming broadly as well-wishers approached clutching bunches of flowers.
Although not patron of The Fostering Network which organised the event, the charity does sit well with the Duchess' own interests, most of which concern the wellbeing of children.
At the event, which took place in the North London borough of Islington, the Duchess was introduced to a group of foster carers as well as young people who have recently left care homes.
She also sat down to a mid morning snack of cupcakes and chocolate brownies with energetic group of younger children and their foster carers, while being told more about their work.
Before the tea party began she joined a discussion with carers, young adults who had been fostered and senior staff from the Fostering Network during which she took the opportunity to tell of her happiness at being there:
'I've heard a huge amount about fostering,' she told the delighted group. 'It's really great for me to have an opportunity to speak to you.' Discussion: Once inside, the Duchess of Cambridge took part in a discussion with foster carers and social workers
Discussion: Once inside, the Duchess of Cambridge took part in a discussion with foster carers and social workers
Involved: The Duchess was left visibly moved by the stories she heard from the foster parents at the event
Involved: The Duchess was left visibly moved by the stories she heard from the foster parents at the event
Tasty: During the event, the Duchess was treated to a selection of cakes, including chocolate brownies, and other finger food
Tasty: During the event, the Duchess was treated to a selection of cakes, including chocolate brownies, and other finger food
Gift: The Duchess was handed a gift box by 18-year-old Chloe Delaney who recently left foster care herself
Gift: The Duchess was handed a gift box by 18-year-old Chloe Delaney who recently left foster care herself
Memories: In the box was a book of stories and poems by children who grew up in care and foster homes
Memories: In the box was a book of stories and poems by children who grew up in care and foster homes
As with her visit to Norfolk in November when the Duchess was left tearful after meeting the parents of terminally ill youngsters, Kate was noticeably moved by the stories she heard.
Many of the families she met have fostered children for many years looking after a range of ages, with some staying a few days while others many years - effectively becoming members of the family.
Bu there were lighter moments during the event, which was held at the offices of Islington Fostering Services, including one which saw the Duchess become instantly smitten with one particularly adorable baby.
The Duchess smiled at the gurgling rosy-cheeked girl Naya and compared the six-month-old to her own son Prince George, telling Naya's foster mother, 'She's chubbier than George'.
Noticing that Naya's hair was tied up in little bunches with coloured bands, a smiling Duchess then moved closer and said, 'Sweetie pie, I love your hair!' 
Baby Naya was being carried in the arms of single mother Tigest Tesfamichael, from Islington who has been looking after the little girl for the last four months.
She looked fresh-faced and happy as she arrivedKate chose not to wear a maternity dressThe brown silk number comes from Hobbs' main line
Yummy mummy: The Duchess chose not to wear a maternity dress and instead chose a brown silk animal print number from Hobbs
Royal welcome: An excited group of well-wishers, including a number of children, were on hand to greet her as she arrived
Royal welcome: An excited group of well-wishers, including a number of children, were on hand to greet her as she arrived
Important work: Many of the assembled well-wishers, some of whom carried posies, were members of foster families themselves
Important work: Many of the assembled well-wishers, some of whom carried posies, were members of foster families themselves
Inside: She was then whisked inside for a reception with foster carersPleased: A smiling Kate stopped to wave to the crowds
Pleased: A smiling Kate stopped to wave to the crowds before being whisked inside for a reception with foster carers
The 45-year-old, who has a 12-year-old son of her own and is also fostering a teenager, said: 'I like to work with children so that's why I decided to take up fostering, I enjoy it it's a fantastic job. It's just so positive, it's good for you family and good for the foster children.' 
Kate was also introduced to18-month-old Penny May, who was with her foster mother, Debbie. 'That’s a great name,' said an enchanted Duchess, adding: 'She’s a little bit older than George. She’s very cheeky.'
Debbie, a foster carer with more than 30 years experience had travelled from the town of Diss in Norfolk for the event. Speaking afterwards, the mother-of-two said: 'I take teenagers out of London to help them get through school.
'Kate said they must find it very strange to be suddenly away from the city because Diss is a lot quieter. I was surprised she knew Diss, but she lives up in North Norfolk, so she did.'
The Duchess also chatted to 19-year-old Simone Headley and her foster mother Loretta, who took in the teenager and her two sisters in nine years ago.
'I think she understands better hearing it from young people who have experienced foster care and not just from the foster carers themselves,' said Miss Headley.
Interests: Although not patron of The Fostering Network, child welfare is one of the Duchess of Cambridge's key interests
Interests: Although not patron of The Fostering Network, child welfare is one of the Duchess of Cambridge's key interests
Focus: Yesterday saw her visit a studio run by The Art Room which helps troubled children through art therapyPriority: The Duchess has long supported child welfare initiativesStarting to show: The Duchess, who is due to give birth in April, showed off a small but noticeable bump

Starting to show: The Duchess, who is due to give birth in April, showed off a small but noticeable bump
Duchess delighted: Kate crouches down to say hello to a group of warmly-wrapped youngsters on her way out
Duchess delighted: Kate crouches down to say hello to a group of warmly-wrapped youngsters on her way out
Moved: Jim Bond, president of The Fostering Network, said the Duchess had 'a great deal of empathy' for the foster families she met
Moved: Jim Bond, president of The Fostering Network, said the Duchess had 'a great deal of empathy' for the foster families she met
'I think being in care was the best thing for me. I wouldn’t have been the person I am and the mature woman I am. My foster carer brought out the best in me.' 
Foster carer Elsie, who looks after three of her grandchildren, including two-year-old twins Olivia and Scarlet, said of Kate: 'She doesn’t need any parenting tips from us, she seems great with George. He’s a peach, he’s gorgeous.'
During the tea party and round table discussion was told about the different types of foster care, which include Mother and Baby fostering and Friends and Family fostering. 
She was then presented with a memory box by Zoe Witherington, 20, who was fostered in 2007. The box contained a book of stories and poems by children brought up in care, called Growing up in our House and individual stories from other youngsters from foster homes.
Memory boxes are used by children in foster care to store mementos of the families they have lived with when they move on.
As she left, Kate was presented with a posy of flowers by 18-year-old Chloe Delaney, who was fostered from the age of nine and told her how she had played football for England in last year’s Street Child World Cup in Brazil because of the support she had received from her carers.
Chloe, who also played for Arsenal juniors, said: 'I was nervous. I’ve hit a lot of targets I don’t think I would have hit if I wasn’t in care. There are a lot of stereotypes about kids in care being problem kids, but it’s not like that.
'As a kid, my toy was a football and I’m tomboyish and people got that sense of me, that I liked sport. So my adviser came to me and said there was an opportunity to go to Brazil and I said, yes, I want that.' 
According to The Fostering Network, more than 8,600 foster homes like the one offered by Ms Tesfamichael are urgently needed across the UK and the charity hopes that its new association with the Duchess will encourage more carers to come forward 
Amused: At one point, she burst into laughterSmiles: She was all smiles as she chatted to the children
Is that for me? The Duchess stops to collect a bunch of flowers from a tiny well-wisher and crouched down to chat
Cute: The little girl was well wrapped up against the chillThrilled: The Duchess looked smitten when one particularly adorable child stopped her to hand over a bouquet
Thrilled: The Duchess looked smitten when one particularly adorable child stopped her to hand over a bouquet
Chilly: The Duchess' brown silk dress was considerably lighter than the thick puffa jackets chosen by the crowd
Chilly: The Duchess' brown silk dress was considerably lighter than the thick puffa jackets chosen by the crowd
Particularly in need are teenagers, disabled children and groups of siblings, although currently, 63,000 children have found homes with one of the UK's 52,500 foster families. 
'These children have often experienced neglect and abuse, or have witnessed domestic violence or substance misuse,' explains a spokesman from Kensington Palace.
'Whatever their experiences, all of them will be suffering the trauma of being separated from their own families, and need love, support and stability. 
'Foster carers can provide these children with what they need, and often give them their first positive experience of family life. This event will help to shine a spotlight on fostering and raise awareness about the role of foster carers.'
Speaking after the Duchess had left, Jim Bond, president of The Fostering Network, told MailOnline that the Duchess had a 'great deal of empathy' and a 'clear understanding' of the issues involved.
'She said how impressed she was with the work and the event and said it was "eye-opening",' he continued. 'She did say, "I guess it must be a bit scary when you first get somebody in placement".
'And I said yes, as a mum yourself the first time you have a baby it's scary. So when you're having someone else's child who has already got all manner of baggage that you don't even know about it's even more scary.'
But, said Mr Bond, this shouldn't put people off. 'If you're an adult who is in touch with yourself and what you can offer and you take advantage of the support in your network then it's not a doddle but it's a straightforward piece of work,' he said, adding: '[Foster caring] is the most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life.'
The Duchess of Cambridge, who will become a mother for the second time in April, has long taken an interest in child welfare and supports a number of charities aimed at promoting it.
One such is the organiser of yesterday's event, The Art Room, of which she has been patron since January 2012. That uses art therapy to help troubled children and has a network of dedicated art studios throughout the UK.
Overwhelmed: The Duchess was given so many bunches of flowers, she struggled to hold on to them allOther children's charities to work with the Duchess include East Anglia Children's Hospices, which is based close to her new home at Anmer Hall in Norfolk, and the Scout Association with which the Duchess volunteers. Grateful: That didn't prevent her from stooping down to thank the young well-wishers
Overwhelmed: The Duchess was given so many bunches of flowers, she struggled to hold on to them all
Thicket: The Duchess of Cambridge is confronted with a thicket of roses as the youngsters in the crowd step forward
Thicket: The Duchess of Cambridge is confronted with a thicket of roses as the youngsters in the crowd step forward
All smiles: Child welfare is a topic close to the Duchess' heart and, as this photo reveals, she clearly enjoys interacting with children
All smiles: Child welfare is a topic close to the Duchess' heart and, as this photo reveals, she clearly enjoys interacting with children
Energetic: The moment came as she sat down with a group of younger childrenMorning snack: During the reception, the Duchess sat down for a mid morning snack of cupcakes and chocolate brownies
Morning snack: During the reception, the Duchess sat down for a mid morning snack of cupcakes and chocolate brownies
Pleased: She also took the opportunity to tell assembled foster carers and children how 'great' attending the reception wasImportant: 63,000 British children currently live with foster carersInvolved: She also said that she had heard a lot about their work

Pleased: She also took the opportunity to tell assembled foster carers and children how 'great' attending the reception was

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